How to Stop the Spread of Cat Litter - Best Kitty Litter Mat - Black Hole Cat Litter Mat

As the proud owner of 3 cats, I can tell you the litter box has always been a source of mess.  I am not only cleaning it out but constantly sweeping up the debris field of gravel!

My cats use it faithfully but each has their own habit of either digging to China or sending the litter flying out of the box.

They won't use a covered box, which to me would have solved the spraying litter, so I have been researching ways to contain the litter mess to a smaller area.

(Muffin, Moo, and Bruce!)

Black Hole Cat Litter Mat

This is the larger version, at 36 x 25 inches, and as you can see in the picture, it will collect the litter below the surface and you can simply put it back in the box.

Right now I use newspapers, which do help a little bit, but since our kitty station is near our side entrance which is used a fair bit, you always track wayward litter on your socks or your bare feet.  It has been driving me nuts especially since one of my cats loves to send it flying and shake his feet when he first gets out and shred the newspaper!

I have Tried Other Mats and My Cats Will Jump Over Them

The texture of common mats that are on the market seem to bother my cats, so I was researching this product and the surface is much softer, meaning they are likely to use it.

If you don't have room for a large mat, you can get a smaller Black Hole Cat Litter Mat.  At 30 x 23 inches.  This size seems to be the most common with over 1600 reviews at this writing.

My favourite part is that you can simply press the sides and see all the collected litter and simply pour it back into the box.  No more wastage!  Grabs it off your cats feet before it tracks through the house.

It also quickly cleans with water if needed.  Usually the litter coming off my cats feet is the clean part, so easy to pour it back in the tray.

Not all Cats Like Covered Litter Boxes

My 3 cats do not like to use them.  They are so very touchy about their bathroom habits!  They like to see everything that is going on around them when they "go".  So it all depends on your kitties bathroom personalities!  Plus they tend to concentrate the odors.

I love the idea of containing the litter to one area and simply putting it back where it came from instead of sweeping it up along with other floor dust and throwing it out.  This actually makes sense.

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