DIY Backsplash with Dollar Store Gems - Awesome Idea

That space behind the bathroom sink and below the mirror is quite often a painted wall.

In my house it always seems to get wet and eventually the paint peels.  I didn't want to get into tiles, but came across this really cute DIY backsplash idea using those dollar store glass gems.  Check it out:

You only need a few supplies, which you can get at the hardware store or online and of course the dollar store glass gems.  These gems have a flat side, which of course makes it easier to install as the bathroom backsplash or the kitchen.

You can also get these in larger quantities through the DOLLAR TREE online.
I love the idea of using these glass pieces instead of tiles because you can install them so randomly!  You don't have to be all measured and perfect.  Just like she does in the video, simply measure the area you want to use these in and pencil line the outer edges.

What you will Need:

Mastic (tile adhesive)
Sanded grout
Big sponge for Grout
Tile spreader for Mastic


1.  Cleaning the gems is a good idea so you know they are shiny and free of oil and dirt and therefore will stick better.

2.  Working in sections, spread the Mastic and then add the gems.  You could go for a pattern, but I personally think it is much easier to go random, as the gems are not always uniform size.

3.  Let Dry

4.  Mix your ground and get it right in between the glass gems

5.  Let Dry

6.  Take a big soft sponger and clean water and clean the pieces. 

That is it!  You will be a professional by the time you are finished.  This would also work great in a kitchen, but you might want to add a sealer in the kitchen so that grease splatters don't stain the grout.  The kitchen would need many hands to help as it can be time consuming, but the savings are brilliant!

The Dollar stores have so many affordable products to help with day to day living and to keep that budget under control.  This just proves how creative you can get on the cheap without looking cheap!

I used these glass gems to decorate the top of my house plants, but I am thinking they are good for so much more!  Get those thinking caps on and start that next craft project or DIY house project on the cheap without looking cheap.

How to Make Pandora Style Paper Beads - Recycle Magazines and Papers

I love the Pandora style beads in my bracelet, but I must admit they are heavy.  I came across this video on just how to make the Pandora style beads using papers, such as magazines, newspapers or whatever you have and still look awesome and authentic without the weight.  Check it out:

This is such a cool project, and just looks more professional with the metal bead cores at each end.  You would never know they were paper.  I also found the triple thick glaze works well if you don't have the other supplies she uses.
She also uses a knitting needle to wrap the papers. You could use a small diameter piece of dowel wood, or a pencil.  Take a look around the house to see what you could use to wrap the papers.  Have some toothpicks on hand to for holding the bead.

Making Paper Beads

I used to make paper beads when I was a kid, but because they were so lightweight, they didn't stand up to wear and tear for very long.

I really love the idea of adding the bead cores to the ends.  This makes it easier to thread onto larger diameter bracelets and necklaces without the paper falling apart at the ends.

I personally prefer the Triple Thick Glaze for these projects as it adds a super shiny protective coat you simply brush on.  But you could also use clear nail polish or wood varnish if you have it.

Use for Bracelets and Necklaces

You could make a few of these beads and create awesome pendants, earrings and more.  This would be the perfect way to use up some old magazines as well as scraps of scrapbooking papers.  So don't throw anything out until you have tried this project.

You would never know these were paper beads to look at them.  They definitely have that European or Pandora style bead going on without the weight.

How to Make Yarn Balls into Cute Fairy String Lights to Decorate and Light the Way

This is a wonderful way to use up left over yarn you have laying around.

You could use different colors or stay the same.  You have control over the size based on how large you blow up the balloon.

Check out this video:

Modern string fairy lights have no heat so there are no worries of them getting too heated.  You can get the string lights online here:

You can use these for party lights, or use red, silver or gold yarn to create beautiful Christmas string lights or tree decorations.  This is a pretty old craft that has made a huge come back as we trend more towards, reduce, reuse, recycle. 

After a knitting project is done I quite often have leftover yarn.  I don't like to throw it away, and so it builds up in a bag.  I figure you could use all kinds of leftovers onto one ball with that glue keeping it all together to make a multi-colored yarn ball.

Decorative Yarn Balls - Perfect for Ambiance

At any party, or simply to add a bit of ambiance and room lighting where there is no lighting.  Fairy lights operate on little batteries that last a long time. 

If you rent your space, this could not only be helpful lighting but cute wall decor too, as you can string the colorful yarn balls across a wall.

Fairy String Lights can be used in so many awesome ways such as pictured.  If you want them for outside make sure they are rated for outdoor use.  But the above string lights are for indoors unless it is a one time clear night party!

Wouldn't these look cool strung around a patio?  Just remember to take them in if rain is likely as the glue in the yarn wouldn't hold up to rain. 

Upcycled Magazine - DIY Magazine Bowl - Super Cool Way to Recycle and Create Art

After having a good clean out in my home, I ended up with a pile of old magazines.

I was about to pitch them into the blue bin, when I decided to research ways to possibly recycle them and make them into something pretty!

I found this Video, and I thought this was a super cool way to use old magazines.  It would be a great project to do while watching TV, relaxing to music, or to de-stress!  Check it out!

Cool Looking Art Deco Bowl!

I didn't think this bowl would be strong enough for anything, but there is actually a lot of strength in those rolled up tubes. Personally I would always use the white glue as I find glue guns don't always stick that well, but that is just my personal opinion.


You could actually just create the base they way she did in the bowl and stop there.  Add a good couple of layers of the white glue or use mod podge to seal it, and you could use them for drink coasters.

DIY Magazine Crafts

There are lots of ways to reuse these magazine pages, as I discovered surfing through Youtube.  The above is just one example, but I did think it was the prettiest idea.  You could sit this on a table as an art deco piece or you could use it as a fruit bowl.

Once glued they are very strong.  The bowl above will keep at least one or two magazines out of the landfill.  Even recycling takes energy, so the more you can deal with magazines the better.  Try finding a home for them first, such as at Doctor's waiting rooms, or mechanic waiting rooms, as they tend to have bad selections of reading material!

After that, start getting creative!  I find this mesmerizing rolling pages.

DIY Recycled Magazine Art

Here is another novel idea.  If you want to make some art for your wall but don't feel very creative, you can roll up magazines and follow this idea.

This craft doesn't require you to roll up the pages, but to simply create strips.  You can use a paper shredder for this idea or a ruler and tear strips.  This can then be framed.  Would be a great recycling craft for all ages.

You could make the silhouette as detailed as you want.  You wouldn't think it was magazine pages.

There are so many ways to get creative with recycling everyday products into works of art.  Give it a try!

Stand Up Desk - Height Adjustable Standing Desk Converter - Get Off Your Butt

As someone who works all day at a desk, I can tell you it is not easy on your bum, back and shoulders.

I tried the exercise ball instead of a chair, and that lasted one day, but I did notice that I like to do many of the office tasks standing.  So I did some research and found that your body not only feels better but you actually burns calories standing!

What I really like about this model, is that I don't have to purchase an entirely separate desk!! This one fits right onto your present one.

Instead of scheduling time to get up from your seat and walk to the water cooler with those legs that feel like they have fallen asleep, you can simply stand and work.

This portable desk converter can lay flat if you need to sit and work, or extend upwards if you want to stand.  You can adjust the height and it safely holds your computer, screen, work things and more.  It is a great way to keep the body moving, and it will really help to stop those 3pm slumps!

Fit Exercise into Your Day

You may not look at this as exercise, but simply standing does burn more calories and keeps the blood from pooling.  I know that if I get totally involved in whatever I am working on, time flies by and before I know it, my shoulders are slumping and I need that extra coffee.  I promise myself I will walk at the 30 minute point but I usually forget.

Double Duty - Work and Stay Active

I know it may not be the same as running on the treadmill and yest you can get treadmill desks which are more of an investment but are also a good idea (see below)

A treadmill desk works well if you have the room and are in need of a new desk. So this would have you walking and working especially if taking phone calls.

But for me personally, the sit stand desk converter is more of what I am looking for.  Something that can sit on my present desk.

I can simply stand and work and not have to think about standing every 30 minutes to stretch my limbs that have fallen asleep.

I read that sitting is the newest danger to us humans with all this technology, it is easy to not have to move.

I love the idea of integrating standing and moving into my day instead of trying to do marathon exercises after work.

This would make a great gift idea for anyone who spends a lot of time at their desk or computer.

Getting off your rear as often as possible is good for the body.  You brain actually works better with good blood flow.  But at the same time this desk converter can quickly flatten to let you sit if you want.  As long as you have the cord length on your electronics then you will be set.

Check it out!  Click on any of the pictures to find out more about this awesome tool to get you off your butt and still doing work.

Best Hand Crank Radio That Can Charge Your Cell Phone and Possibly Save Your Life

Severe weather events are traumatic for everyone, but not knowing anything because the power has gone out, just adds to the anxiety.

After a tornado warning where I live was was announced just as the power went out, we wished the little old radio I owned still had some working batteries.

 I had created an emergency kit, but these batteries were too old and didn't work.  After that event I decided to research hand crank radios that could keep us informed without worrying about batteries. 

Best Hand Crank Radio

I found this affordable model so far in my research to be the best.  Not only can it keep you informed with radio bands, but it can be charged by solar or hand crank and also charge your cell phone so you can keep in touch with friends and family during an emergency.

I personally love the idea of this radio because it has a solar panel that you can alter depending on where the sun is, or a crank for night time use to charge it up.

It wouldn't have to sit in the closet until an emergency, because you can also take this camping.  It has a flashlight as well as an emergency red beacon if needed.  You can charge your electronics and it is small enough to carry in a backpack at 1.5 pounds!  It measures 8 x 5 inches x 2.5 inches.

This small little thing can do so much in an emergency or simply camping and hiking.  It has stable reception weather alerts to keep you informed and to stay safe.

 It will receive weather alert signals that can help you to find cover if needed.  Or use it for those simply annoying power failures, so you can keep informed as to when it may turn back on.

Solar Crank Radio as well as Hand Crank Radio

It does both, absorbs power from the sun if possible and can be cranked to get it going.  I just love how small it is but the power it has is amazing.

As I searched online and looked at all the details of many models.  This particular model of a hand crank emergency radio just stands out.  If you go by the reviews, it already has over 2245 reviews at the time of this writing.  I would keep something like this front and center and ready.  I would let everyone in the family know where it is, as you don't want to be fumbling in the dark to find it.

Creating an Emergency Kit

It is good to create a container filled with emergency supplies just in case violent weather arrives.  It might affect the clean water, so have enough bottled water for your family, packaged snacks and food that doesn't need cooking, and things you would need for at least 48 hours.

You can purchase a complete kit online if you would prefer, this one comes in a large back pack and covers 4 people for 72 hours.

One of the things I would be adding to this kit, is this hand crank radio.  We are in an electronic age where communication is so easy with cell phones, computers, and more, but in the event of a power failure many of these things wont work.

If you can afford a generator, that is great, but this is not always possible, so having that little bit of insurance to help you light your way, stay in touch and hear the latest news and alerts without batteries is one of the best things we can add to our emergency kit, of for that backpacking and camping trip.

Find Out if You Need to Take Cover with a Hand Crank Radio

When we had the tornado warning flash across the TV for our area and then blackout.  I got my family all together and headed for the basement.  It would have been nice to hear the ALL CLEAR or the path it was following.  But we simply had to guess that it was over.  I really felt "out of the loop" not knowing.  So this is the model for me.

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...