How to Stop Meat From Sticking To Grill

 We have all probably read the dangers of using a wire brush to clean the barbeque grill, so I went in search of a way to create picture worthy meals that are not torn in half by sticking to the grill!

This is what I have found so far that works super well.

What you will need:

1 x large white onion

1 x large white potato


1.  Heat up your grill, and then peel the onion and then slice one end off.

2.  Take a fork and jab it into the non cut end of the onion and start rubbing the cut end on the grill quickly.  Not only does this clean the grill but it smells awesome and if some onion bits stick to the grill?... that's ok, as it will add to your cooking.

Now that the Grill is Clean...

3.  Next slice off one end of the potato and take the fork and jab into the uncut end and then quickly slide this along the grill.

The starch apparently helps to keep food from sticking!

 Propane Levels

Always check your propane levels before you start because if the level is too low the grill may not get up to the optimum temperature causing your food to stick and take forever to cook if at all.

There are tricks and scary ways to check the level, but I decided to invest in a gauge that you attach to your propane tank.  Plus I always keep one extra tank full and as a spare just in case.

How to Get Rid of Pesky Mosquitoes From Your Yard and Patio

 Mosquitoes are not only annoying and itchy, they can carry viruses and drive even the toughest guest back indoors.  

I love the summer months, but especially the evenings on the back patio.  But ever noticed if the air is still how quickly the mosquitoes move in looking for dinner?

I have tried all the toxic sprays and lights and candles and found that unless you are almost sitting on top of them, they simply don't work or leave a yukky smell.  

Mosquitoes Do Not Fly Well

I did some research and discovered that apparently mosquitoes are weak fliers.  They simply cannot stand wind.  Have you ever noticed they are way worse on those still warm nights?

If you love to sit outside in the evenings, by yourself or to entertain, then instead of handing out bug spray and coughing in those fumes, how about using box fans?

These totally work.

Set Them to Create A Breeze Around Yourself and Guests

You don't aim them at you or your guests and blow their hair and cute hats off, you simply aim them at the areas around your seating, and the mosquitoes will not be able to get close to you.

These larger box fans do not need to be on full blast, but just enough to create a breeze around your seating area.

They are a nice addition if the air is still and humid.  Perfect for the porch, deck or back patio.  I found these worked well and you can control the direction.

This way you are not actually on a killing spree but rather a "blowing them away" mission.  You create a soft breeze if positioned right, and you put off the mosquitoes and flies as well without blowing away plates of food or hats!

Enjoy the Summer!

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...