How to Steam Clean an Oven

 I must admit, I am not the best at cleaning up spills in my oven.  I have set the smoke detector off a few times, with something gross baking itself in the bottom of the oven.

I have also moved into a rental apartment that was nice and clean except the oven.  So I am not big on harsh chemicals and having to wear elbow length rubber gloves, so I came across this simple trick to "steam clean" your oven so that crud pretty much rubs away.

How to Steam Clean an Oven

What you will need to do:

Large Oven Prove casserole dish or pan that can withstand 450 degrees F.

Fill 3/4 full with warm water (you can also add a few slices of lemon to the water for a nice smell)

Turn your oven to 450 degrees 

Place the pot in the center of the oven

Leave for 30-60 minutes (depending on how bad your oven is!)

Turn off oven and let cool but still slightly warm

Remove the pot and the racks

Take a sponge and wipe as much away as you can.

If stubborn spills remain, then mix a little baking soda with water to create a paste and scrub them.

If you don't have that kind of time... or would prefer a spray product, I have also found many organic oven cleaners online below:

Not a Fan of the Self Cleaning Ovens!

I find their seriously high heat disturbing, and if the oven is dirty you will get the oven smoking as it burns off spills, next thing is the smoke detector, and if you are in an apartment this can be scary for neighbours.  

Try this steaming idea first.  If there are many layers of crud, maybe you do this a layer at a time, but worth the trouble.

Hope everyone has a nice day today!

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