DIY Watercolor Paints - Make Your Own

It can be hard for the creatives in the family to stay busy without lots of supplies, but if we get creative it is amazing what we can do with supplies we may already have on hand.

So check out this video and see just how easy it is to make professional style watercolor cakes ready for the budding artist in the house especially during this pandemic lockdown.

This is a very recent video by Artrageous with Nate.

What you Will Need:

  • Muffin Tin or Empty yogurt containers or paper cups work too!
  • Baby oil (just for making the paint cakes to come out easily you could use cooking spray)
  • Food Coloring (he uses gel but I had the traditional liquid drop and it worked well)
  • measuring spoons
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons corn starch
  • 1/2 teaspoon corn syrup
  • 6 drops of various food coloring colors each.
  • tall beaker or measuring cup (to allow for fizzing reaction)

  How to Make Your Watercolor Cakes

Check the video for procedure but basically you follow these steps.

Step 1 - Place 4 tablespoons of baking soda into the beaker or mixing cup

Step 2 - Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to baking soda and stir.

Step 3 - Once fizzing stops, and you have kept stirring, then add 2 tablespoons of corn starch.

Step 4. - Stir well and then add 1/2 teaspoon of the corn syrup

Step 5 - Oil your containers or small muffin tin

Step 6 - Add your mixture

Step 7 - With stir stick or popsicle stick stir in the food coloring.

Step 8 - Let it dry for approximately 24 hours.

Step 9 - Simply pop out the watercolor cakes.

Step 10 - Use a wet paint brush and you are ready to go!

These work awesome!  They glide on the paper and last a super long time. The best part is you know exactly what is in them, no chemicals, no fake ingredients.  All food grade supplies.

These can be used by kids and adults who just want to use their creativity right now during these trying times.

Art is a stress reliever, so you don't have any watercolor paints, make your own!

Upcycle Your Magazine Pages into Beautiful Handmade Faux Glass Beads

I love the Pandora or European style bracelets with the beads, and I came across this video on how you can upcycle magazine pages into beautiful professional looking beads with proper metal end caps that look similar to the purchased ones.

Watch this video, and you will be amazed at just what you can achieve by upcycling magazine pages, scrapbooking paper or any paper.  Create beautiful gifts with just a few supplies that you can order online.

What You Will Need:

  • Paper or Magazine Pages
  • Xacto Knife
  • white glue
  • knitting needle (for wrapping paper)
  • bead cores
  • gloss or varnish


Step 1 - Watch the video for how she cuts the paper on a slight angle so the beads turn out even with a taper at each end to look even more realistic.

Step 2 - Using a knitting needle that is sized the same as your bead cores, wrap the paper tightly.

Step 3 - Shine up your bead with thick glaze, varnish, clear nail polish or the embossing powder she uses in the video.  My own personal experience is the "triple thick glaze" super shiny.

Step 4 - A way to dry the beads (suspend with toothpick?)

Step 5 - Add the bead cores to each end with glue.

Step 6 - Leave to set overnight and you are ready to create your own unique jewelry.

You can get most supplies online if you don't have anything at home.

The Bead Cores Makes This Bead Look Professional

To me the Bead cores are the most important part as they give the bead a more professional look.

With many of us at home trying to safe and healthy, getting creative is the perfect way to keep your brain healthy too!

 I have been ordering a few craft supplies online with Amazon, it is one of the easiest ways to get supplies without leaving the house, especially craft supplies.

Watch the video and the process she uses to make the beads look so professional!

Stay safe everyone!

We can look back on this time and look at all the creations we have made!  Things we never had time for before.  Creativity is good for the brain and the spirit.

DIY Kid's Notebook from Cereal Boxes on the Cheap - Recycle and Upcycle!

Avoiding going to the stores like me?  It is a difficult time right now for everyone, and I have certainly become more creative to find ways to avoid purchasing things out in the world right now. 

Trying to stick with the "stay at home" and not spend money...   I found a way to create a journal or notebook for yourself or for the kids by using the empty cereal box and scrap paper.

So before you pitch that cereal box in the recycling bin, check out this video:

What you will Need:

  • Scrap papers (this would work with anything even construction paper!)

  • Empty Cereal Box

  • Duct Tape (or something similar even packing tape will work)

  • Ribbon

  • Hole Punch


Step 1 - Find the papers you want to fill the book up with.

Step 2 - Add holes with punch or something sharp..

Step 3 - Cut out the cereal box for front and back cover by tracing the papers.

Step 4 - Create a spine with the duct tape (watch video it is not long!)

Step 5 - Thread the ribbon through the holes and tie off.

Decorate and Personalize  or leave as is.

Your kids might like the idea of their favorite cereal on the cover of their new art book, but maybe you don't, so you could also cover it with scrapbooking papers, duct tape or even paint.

This is a great way to use up leftover paper laying about and put the cereal box to good use for that arts and crafts day.

Totally Personalize the Homemade Journal

This is an affordable DIY, you most likely have everything you need at home.  An awesome craft to keep kids busy or for yourself. 

Journaling is a good stress reliever for you and drawing is a great way for kids to destress.

Hope everyone is staying safe!

3D Glue Gun Art - Make Masterpieces While At Home and Cover a Wall

Keeping yourself or your kids busy can be difficult.  But getting creative is awesome for stress and anxiety.  Even if you have never created before, you will disappear into this project!

The thing I like the best about this project, is there is no right or wrong way to do this.  If you have a Glue gun, you can let your creativity out in full swing!

Check out this video by Amy Pearce:

What you will Need:

  • Hot glue gun with lots of glue sticks

  • Blank canvas

  • Acrylic paints

  • Shoe Polish

  • A Blank wall to cover with all your creativity from you and your family!

  • It can be a memory board of 2020!


Step 1.  Using the hot glue gun create a pattern.  You could also draw it out in pencil first if you want it to be more of a controlled piece rather than a random abstract creation!

Step 2.  Once dry, paint over the entire piece with acrylic paints of your choice as she does in the video.  If you are simply doing an abstract, work with what you have!

Step 3.  Add shoe polish, and then wipe off with a cloth.  You don't have to add shoe polish, but it does create depth, protects the piece and really makes the piece pop with a little sheen.

The best part is this is a fast project, and if you have a wall that has seen better days, what better way to cover it, than with a bunch of artwork!

You can get canvas in bulk online for cheap with Amazon if you don't have any at home.

or...Recycle Old Canvases by Painting Over Them

You could also take old canvas pictures that are collecting dust in your garage and paint over them to recycle. Get creative! 

You don't need to be an artist to create awesome works of art for your home even if you say you don't have a creative bone in your body! This is an great project for young teens, yourself or kids with supervision.

We All Need An Outlet

Sometimes the 24/7 news is too much, and you can't go anywhere right now, so why not spend the time as a family and get creative.  I love the idea of filling a wall with these creations.

I love creating things. Many times I think I should be doing something else like housework, but I notice when creating art, you can simply disappear, and if you choose projects that are not tedious, frustrating or difficult, the creativity just flows.

I think this is one of those projects, where you simply can't go wrong. 

Create some positive memories from this time at home.

Stay safe everyone!

How to Make a Mask From a Sock

It is scary times right now and the news has something new about this pandemic everyday.

You have probably heard that wearing a mask, especially if you are grocery shopping, or going to be near people is a good idea, but where do you get them?

What if you don't have a bandanna?  or a sewing machine? or even any fabric?  You can still protect yourself by donating one of your socks.

Check out this short video below.  You can get even more creative and make it fun with colorful socks.  But the idea is that you simply use the sock and a paper towel or tissue or even a coffee filter for the inside.

Use What You Have at Home

No point in heading outside to find things to make a mask and risk your health.  Many people are making and selling them online but many have run out or it takes too long to come in the mail and money is tight right now.

So, even if you did order a mask online, don't wait, make one out of a clean sock. 

Obviously, the sock mask is not the same as a medical mask, but would give some protection.  So this is one way to create a mask without any sewing, gluing, or finding a scarf or fabric, simply donate a sock to the cause and a sharp pair of scissors.

Check out the video above


How to Cut Your Own Bangs - Attention Ladies!

With this social isolating and shops closed, we are becoming a nation of shaggy hair!

My hair was in need of a cut just as the businesses were closing for this pandemic.  I know this is not a critical life supply of food or shelter, but it can be pretty annoying to have bangs in your eyes!

I have bangs and longer layers throughout, but decided I don't have access to a hair dresser, so in the meantime even if I manage to at least cut my own bangs we are stylin!

Check out this video:

This is EXACTLY how I did this to my bangs, and they look professionally done!

So, ladies, get those scissors out and trim your bangs the right way!  Don't be tempted just to slide scissors along, if you follow this procedure, you will get it right.

Let the Rest of Your Hair Do It's Own Thing for Now

Cut your bangs and the rest of your hair will look not bad for now.  Maybe you might decide that longer is better, but I found once the bangs were out of my eyes, the rest looked "good enough".

Sharpen Your House Scissors, or Invest in Professional Set

You can take your house scissors and sharpen them if you have a knife sharpener, or you can hang in there and order a professional set or just the hair cutting scissors online above with Amazon Hair Accessories.  They are about the only place really open for business right now.

We don't know how long this pandemic will be gripping our lives.  It is important to stay home and stay safe, but unless you want to grow everything out, give cutting your own bangs a whirl.

Staying healthy also means trying to feel good, and if you need to do some DIY on your own personal grooming, then go ahead!

How to Make Your Own Paint by Number Art from Photographs

If you are looking for ways to keep your older kids busy or even yourselves, then crafts usually do the trick!

If you enjoy the idea of painting, but find starting from scratch stressful, then try this out.  Paint by Numbers.  Yes you can buy kits in stores or online, but why not take one of your own photographs you have sitting on your computer and turn it into a work of art!

Check out this video:  I have used the site they discuss in the video it works!!

The particular site they use will figure out the color palette as well as create a basic line drawing.  If you have photoshop you could do the same, but I thought this particular site was super user friendly.

Simply upload your photo, get the color palette, print the line drawing.

What You Will Need:

  • Digital Photo (landscapes work perfect!)

  • Assorted Paints

  • Computer Printer

  • Heavy Printer Paper or Printable Canvas Paper (which you can get online)

Watch the Video and have fun!  Make a few from your last vacation!

With us all self isolating right now, and the kids home, it can be hard to find things to keep them occupied or even for yourself.

Creating paint by numbers is fun and you can also get super creative.

Go for the Abstract Look Maybe?

You don't have to follow the picture exactly if you don't want to, or maybe you don't have all the colors they suggest.  You can order them online, or simply get creative with what colors you do have including markers, pencil crayons and more.

This will create a "one of a kind" piece for the fridge, or frame it as your memorial of family all together during this pandemic.  This era will definitely be in the history books!

It takes your mind away for a little while.  You can purchase most of the supplies online with Amazon, check out this link below..  or you can simply use what you have.

Click on any of the products and go shopping and have it delivered to your door.

If you don't want to order online, then use the site, print on paper and use crayons or markers.  This can be fun to do.

You can make this as simple or as complex as you want depending on the kid's ages or what you would like to work on. 

If I have just reminded you have much you loved those oil paint by numbers, then check out the products above, they are online!  Do them why you have some time.  Art is good for the soul

Stay Safe Everyone!

How to Clean Pet Urine Stains in Carpet with Vinegar - YES it Works

With most of us staying home now to keep our families safe, we sometimes forget that changes in routine affect our pets.

Pets who are used to a set routine may feel off and anxious, and this many times leads to "accidents" on the carpet.

When I headed to the grocery store for my groceries, I noticed the entire cleaning aisle shelves were empty, not just the toilet paper!!  Everything was gone... even the carpet stain removers!

So, if you are in this position, or simply want to use what you have at home, then follow this formula.

Removing Pet Urine From Carpet

What You Will Need:

  • White Vinegar
  • Paper towels, or old cloth towels (we keep some for drying off the dogs)
  • Baking Soda

Step 1 - Blot up as much as you can with paper towels or thick old towels.

Step 2 - Place a full/heavy plastic tub on top of these towels as the extra weight will soak up even more of the urine.

Step 3 - Check for color fastness in a spot behind the couch or TV by placing a couple of drops of vinegar.  Most carpets, will not run.

Step 4 - Mix equal parts of white vinegar with water.

Step 5 - Saturate the stain by pouring some of the solution right onto the spot.  It will follow the path the urine did.

Step 6 - Let it sit 10 minutes.

Step 7 - Follow the same steps as above for blotting up the vinegar solution, including placing a weight of some kind on the towels to soak up as much as possible.

Step 8 - When there is nothing more to soak up, sprinkle with baking soda

Step 9 - Wait an hour and then vacuum.

Note:  This also works for puke, Cat and Kid stains too!

My grandmother swore by vinegar, and I have always had a jug of it in the house for cleaning floors and windows, but I never really thought of it as a heavy duty cleaner, but it does wonders!

A Couple More Awesome Cleaning Jobs for Vinegar!

Sink Drains

With us all being home, we are cooking more and the kitchen is getting lots of use.  The sink drains started getting a little "ripe"

Pour 1 cup of white vinegar down the drain and wait 30 minutes then flush with water.

Coffee Pots!

Is your coffee maker taking way to long to brew your coffee?  It may be clogged up with calcification from way more use than usual.

Fill the reservoir with at a few cups of vinegar and run it as usual.

Then rinse and clean the coffee pot and run clean water through.  It should be good to go!

Try To Avoid Being in the Stores as Much as Possible..Get Creative at Home with What You Have or Order online...

YES you can even order vinegar online below:

Try to order as many things online as you can to limit the amount of times you head to any store. There are some delays, but it will get to you!

FREE DIY Coloring Pages for Your Kids

It is difficult times right now around the world with this global pandemic.  As many families have been told to isolate at home with many businesses shut and schools, it can be hard to give kids things to do.

Here is a unique way to get some Freebies online especially coloring pages!

As long as you have access to a printer, you can find many of these on some free picture sites.

These are not for resale, these are for your own personal use.  But there are so many fun examples such as the one above!

Everything from simple line drawings that are free for download and use, to more complex drawings depending on the age group.

Step 1.  Check out ""  this is a free from royalty and stock photos site,  that you can use for yourself.  It has all kinds of pictures.

Step 2.  In the search bar put "line drawings" this is how I got the picture above.  This way you get simple line drawings that are perfect for coloring.  You can try other searches too, but it all depends how much time you can dedicate to this project.

Step 3.  Click on the picture you like, and it should say "free for Commercial use" in the right side bar.  But you are not selling this, you are just printing for your kids.

Step 4.  You can either follow the instructions to download or you can right click and copy to your computer.

Step 5.  Find the image on your computer and print.

Find all your crayons and markers and let them have a good time!

You might even want to try some of these yourself!

There are many different and more complex ways to create coloring pages using photoshop, but this is the easiest and quickest way to add some "stock" to your kids coloring on the cheap!.

I hope everyone is staying safe and at home right now.

Take care and stay well.

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...