Create a New Garden without Digging up Grass

We decided a few years ago to have a free design plan for our yard done by a local garden shop.  It was free if we bought any of the plants from them, and since I was not the best at getting creative with a piece of plain green grass side yard, I thought this was an awesome plan.

When I saw the plan and the numerous flower beds, I realized that a lot of this grass would have to come up which to me is more work than planting.  Not only do you have more back breaking labour, but you tend to lose a lot of decent soil in the sod you dig up, and then you have to get rid of it, and it is heavy.  Plus the idea of renting a sod remover was not appealing either.

Newspaper Trick – This Works!!

Step 1 – Newspapers. That is when she taught me the newspaper trick.  First step is save lots of newspapers; get some from your neighbours, or even the recycling guy.  Just get a good stack of newspapers.  Cut the grass super short where your garden is to be, as short as possible. 

Step 2 – Plant your Shrubs or Flowers by digging your holes right in the grass.  If you have laid out an area for your shrubs that will eventually grow close together, (this designer was all about planting in 3s) you still need to allow the room between them for spreading.  But this means that first couple of years there will be gaps to weed if you don’t use this method. 

Dig your holes for the plants and use your soils and whatever fertilizers you prefer and then plant them and give them a good drink.
Black Gold 1302040 8-Quart All Organic Potting Soil

Now Let’s Deal with the Grass Between Your New Shrubs

Step 3 – Lay out newspapers about 6 layers thick over grass between your shrubs.  Try and get as close as possible to the base of the shrubs.  This is one great way to use up those newspapers.  They will decompose into the ground and also kill off the grass.
Mighty 109 Natural Cedar Mulch

Step 4 – Mulch.  Have lots of mulch on hand, you can get bags on sale at many places now, or get a load dumped on your driveway and use a wheel barrow, you can even get deals online.   If it is a windy day, you will want to throw a handful of mulch on the newspapers as you go to keep them down or get them wet. 

Step 5 – Spread the Mulch at least 4 inches thick.  Create your edges of the garden and tuck the newspapers edges right into the edge and spread your mulch.   That is!  Just make sure the grass between your shrubs is covered with the newspaper layers and then the mulch.

Has Worked for Me Now for about 10 years.

Just keep it thick with mulch and the grass underneath will die off.  You may get the odd weed trying to come through but if you get at it quickly you will not be inundated with weeds. 
This is also a great method to use on existing beds where there are some spaces between shrubs that can be hard to weed or get to.  You will also be surprised at how well your shrubs and plants do when they are not competing with grasses and it makes the beds look good.

Stops Erosion

If you are planting on a slope, this is the perfect method, since taking the grass off will cause the soils to run off in a rain storm.  This method will keep the integrity of the slope. 
I save my newspapers most of the winter just so I can add to some existing gardens or start new ones. 

As the Shrubs Grow I need less and less Mulch each year but the grass has never tried to grow back.  I add a fresh layer of mulch each spring, and as the shrubs and trees spread, less is needed.
This saves huge back breaking work.  If you just put the mulch directly on the grass you may suffocate some but it will still grow through, I find the little bit of time it takes to spread out the newspapers is worth the effort.

Your new shrub or flower bed is quick to produce.  You can start it and be admiring it the same day as long as you have your supplies. 

Skipping the step of “digging up the grass” is a huge time saver as well as disposal.  Give it a try!

Can You Clip Cat Nails - Without Being Shredded? - Try a Cat Bag

As the owner of 3 cats, I was relying heavily on my Veterinarian to trim my cat’s nails at annual checkups.  This was a great option for about 3 months, and then those nasty nails grew long again and shredded my furniture and carpet, and really I needed to do them in between visits myself.

I had tried restraining my cat with the help of unsuspecting family members, but even at almost 13 years old, my loving affectionate kitty turned into the “devil cat” within seconds, and we all became instant scratching posts!  The hissing and growling were enough to put off anyone!

After much research I found that restraining your cat with a heavy towel or blanket does work, but you have to wrap them quite tight for this to work or one of those dreaded claws would attack.  
                       (pictured:  One Ticked Off Cat!!)

The Towel Trick - Towel Must Be Snug

The trick is to somehow make it so that only one foot at a time was out for a trimming while keeping her firmly wrapped.  My cat would then bite, so sometimes a muzzle is necessary.  Once swaddled in a blanket or towel many cats simply accept that something is going to happen, but not my cat, she will fight to the end.

I found this video helpful on how to swaddle your cat, but it is best to have help.  Check it out.

Preparing Your Cat for procedures such as clipping cat nails

This has worked for me in the past, but I came across a product while researching easier ways to accomplish this feat.  It is said if you get them used to nail trimming from a kitten they don’t mind, but this is not true of my cat.

I have two other cats I recently took on, and there is no way the towel is going to work.  So after much research and question asking of other cat owners, I came across this “cat bag” that basically holds all their parts inside and even comes with a muzzle.  You can simply haul one foot out at a time, and they simply can’t get away.  The rest of their body is firmly secure behind zippered openings.

Try a Cat Grooming Bag - For Under 20 bucks I think my arms are worth it!

Cat Grooming Bag - MEDIUM, cat restraint bag + FREE Cat Muzzle by, Downtown Pet Supply

Close Doors and Windows and Do this is a Small Room with the Element of Surprise

This way if they do get away, you can still grab them.  I have always found the element of surprise to work the best.  If they see you coming at them with a towel and clippers, this will not end well!

Place the muzzle on first which tends to make many cats docile, but still the element of surprise works.  There are zippered openings for the legs, so you can simply let one leg out at a time.  Once you have quickly trimmed one foot, then stuff it back in the bag and get the other foot and so on.  

No Worries about the Towel Unraveling

This happened to me.  I was down to the last back foot, and with her wiggling the towel came undone, then out came all the feet and she was able to launch off my lap, so one foot never got done, so I am seriously looking into this cat bag idea.
Miracle Care Kwik Stop Styptic Powder, 0.5 Oz

Cat Nails Can Break and Get Infected

If you have an indoor cat, and even with outdoor cats, they simply don’t wear their nails down that well, so they will grow too long and then get caught, especially in the carpet.  Next thing you know she panics and rips her nails and they bleed.  This is not good for your cat or your carpet, and infection can set in especially since they dig in a germ infested litter box.  So it is an important part of your grooming process. 

How Often Clip Cat Nails?

It all depends on your cat, but I found every couple of months I would clip the point off.  I don’t like to go too deep or it will hurt them and they will bleed.  You can go to a groomer, but that will cost you, and the once a year at the Veterinarian’s office is not often enough.

Quick Stop

You should keep some basic supplies on hand for your cat grooming episodes.  I have a small flower pot where I keep my cat brush, clippers, and some quick stop just in case her nails bleed.  This will seal it to stop infection and to stop blood on your floors.  This works for cats and dogs, because it can be hard to no clip too short.   My Veterinarian suggested just clipping off the points.
Wrap in Towel or Blanket Snugly or Invest in a Cat Bag.  For under 20 dollars I think my arms are worth it!

These bags I noticed can also be used if you need to bathe your cat, or feed him medicine, clean his ears.  This would certainly save your arms, face and a whole team of family members when it comes time for some nail clipping.

Remove Matted Hair Cats - DIY Cat Grooming

Get Matted Hair off Cat

OLIVE OIL!!  This Works!  Check out Video:

Matted hair becomes more of a problem on a cat as they age.  Maybe they are not as agile as they used to be or slightly overweight, either way they simply don't groom themselves like they used to.

My cat Muffin is almost 14 years old, and is a bit overweight.  She does groom herself but simply can't reach the areas like the base of her tail or around her back hips.   As you can see in the picture she is quite lazy!

Most Cats Love to Be Brushed - But the Mats Can Hurt

Most cats enjoy being brushed.  If you start at a young age they love the feeling and will roll around on the floor while you brush.  Start gently and then add a bit of pressure in hard to groom areas.

But if your cat has progressed to knots, or mats, which feel like chunky knots, then you have to use a different process.

You can either cut them out, but this is risky and you could hurt your cats sensitive skin, or you can try a few ideas.

Using Olive Oil

Place a tiny amount of olive oil in your hand and then rub it into the mat.  Not too much you don't want to be greasy, but work it into the knot the best you can and then take your brush or comb and try to comb it out.

Dematting Comb

This is another option if you still prefer to do this job at home.  This is a specialized cutting comb that will basically rake through the mat and separate it out with internal blades.

This is a specialized double sided comb that doesn't hurt your cats skin but within the comb are sharp stainless steel blades that will not only slice through the tangles and mats but will also remove excess hair to help with the shedding process.

GoPets Dematting Comb with 2 Sided Professional Grooming Rake for Cats & Dogs

If you prefer to do your own grooming especially with a cat, this is an awesome investment and has over 1600 positive reviews.

Get the Matted Hair of Your Cat

It is super important to get rid of these mats as they will definitely get bigger.  I relate it to getting gum in your hair, if you don't remove it, it just gets bigger and bigger as surrounding hair glues to it.  It can cause skin problems for your pets, and it really bothers me to pet my cat Muffin, only to have my hand run over a chunky knot or mat.

Brushing works for Tangles

If your cat is at the tangles stage, then simply using a typical pet brush will usually do the trick.  If the mats are tiny I find they come out with a bit of olive oil and my cat brush.  But what I like about this dematting comb is that it will also remove dead fur that usually sheds in the spring.  Even indoor cats will get shedding at different times of the year.

Safari Cat Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush

Hair Balls - Grooming Got Rid of the Problem for Me!

One pleasant surprise to grooming your cat and removing matted hair is the problems with hair balls tend to disappear.  At least this was the result with my cat.

At least once a week I would hear her hacking up a hairball.  I had purchased specialized hairball food, but in the end weekly grooming took care of the problem.  The less hair she ingests while grooming the bits she can reach the less hair balls that form.

So keep this in mind.  Try to stick to a weekly schedule, and you won't have as much hair in the brush.  But when it comes to season changes, the shedding will get worse, especially for my outdoor cats, so using a dematting comb or rake will help with that to keep hair ball issues under control and less fur in your house.

Grooming Tool Kit for Cats and Dogs

This tool kit for cats or dogs would make a great gift idea for the new pet owner, or a great investment for yourself. Have everything you need to groom your cat in one spot.

 Try the Olive Oil Trick to Get Matted Hair off Cat

If you don't have olive oil, try a little vegetable oil, but you don't want to get them too greasy.  A tiny dab worked in the mat goes a long way, and once brushed it comes out.

I hope this information helps you to keep your cats wonderfully groomed and happy!

Keep their coats shiny, their skin healthy, less hair balls, and less fur in your house to clean up.  A win win situation!

Enjoy your Cat

How to Get Your Cat in a Carrier - Without Being Shredded!

Does Your Cat Give You the Stink Eye??

I don’t know about you, but the annual checkup at the Veterinarian is a stressful event for my cats and me!

My oldest cat Muffin, is almost 13 years old, and as long as I can remember it has taken 3 people to get her into the carrier and we would all be sporting scratches.  One time we tried to simply wrap her in a towel and have a passenger hold her in the car because of the terror of the carrier, but she ended up peeing all over the place and ran dangerously around the car.  So the carrier is important for her safety and ours.

Ours is an older crate, and maybe next year I will invest in a top loading one as I think that would make it a bit easier, but for now we have to use this one. 

Don't Even Think About it!!

The Get Familiar and Throw in Some Treats Trick!

This year, I watched You Tube, and got some great ideas and this one worked for us better than any other method.  So give this a try:

Step 1 – Have the crate out in the living area a few weeks before your appointment if you can.   Line it with a freshly laundered old towel (donated to the chore) so there is some softness on the bottom, and then leave it with its door open somewhere in the most popular room, which for us is the kitchen.  I placed it under a kitchen chair.

Step 2 – After a couple days of the carry crate sitting out with its door open and a towel in the bottom and them eyeing it closely,  place a couple of treats just in front of the door and then throw a few into the back of the carrier and walk away.

Step 3 – My cat cannot resist temptations, this is the “go to” treat if I need her to do something.  Each day throw a few treats into the back of the carrier to get them used to heading right inside to get them.

Step 4 – Do this for at least a couple of weeks if you can but a week minimum.

Step 5 – On the Big Day, don’t put the treats in there until about 20 minutes before you need to leave to allow time just in case you have to use a plan B, but this so far has worked! Throw a few right into the back and stay close by.  Since this has become routine for them, they should still follow the treats inside.

Step 6 – Close the door quickly, and throw a couple more treats through the door. 

They will still not be impressed with being trapped inside, but at least you will not have the shredded arms and a really unhappy cat when you get to the Veterinarian office.

Let The Veterinarian Staff Place the Cat Back in the Cat Carrier after the Checkup

Don't Touch Me or I Will Mess You Up!

I figure I pay them good money to inspect and give shots and cut nails and poke and prod, so I let them put her back in.  Sometimes they wrap her in a towel, which works, but I have never had good luck with that.  Plus trying to get them in a second time in one day after being prodded??  Not too likely!
Petmate Two Door Top Load 24-Inch Pet Kennel, Metallic Pearl Ash Blue and Coffee Ground Bottom

Top Loading Carriers

I am thinking of trading up my carrier to a top loading one.  My present one just has the typical cage door in the end.  I like the idea of a top lid as well as she is quite plump I think this might be a better option for next year.  I have been checking online as my local pet supply store is very expensive for something I need once a year. 

But I realize it is a good investment especially if they get sick or injured and you need to gently place them in this crate rather than shoving them in the end.  
Pettom Innovative Patent Bubble Pet Carriers Traveler Bubble Backpack Airline Travel Approved Carrier for Cats and Dogs (Large with Wheels, Yellow)

Wheeled Cat Carrier - Easier on the Back

My hubby leaves town a lot for work these days and since we only have one car, this can be an issue if I need to get any of my 3 cats to the Veterinarian.  My local bus system says we can take a cat using the bus system if it is in a proper carrier.

Since a recent surgery I am only allowed to carry a maximum of 20 pounds, and my old cat weighs 14 plus the crate, so I am totally loving the idea of a wheeled cat carrier.  As long as there is the padding in the bottom for comfort and accidents (she always pees when I take her to the Veterinarian) so I launder her towel right away when I get home.

It can be a battle of wits when it comes to getting your cat into a carrier, but it can be done!!

I have 3 cats and there have been some challenges, so check out my other posts.  Larger outdoor cat enclosures and Getting an Outdoor Cat Tunnel and also how to tame a feral cat, as one of my cats is semi feral but loving our family a bit more each day.  Enjoy your cat!

Outdoor Cat Tunnel - Keep Your Cats Happy and Safe!

Get cash for your iPhone!

Outdoor Cat Tunnel System

I am the owner of 3 cats.  One totally indoor cat, one that comes and goes and one feral cat that lives outside.  We live in a small subdivision and I really want to be a responsible cat neighbour and stop my cats from digging up neighbours yards and eating the birds I feed.

In a hurry??  Check out this full page of 
outdoor cat tunnels for more ideas.

But at the same time, I want them to enjoy outdoors and get some fresh air.  Since cats love tunnels and napping,

I have been doing research on different ways to create large outdoor cat enclosures, that don't take up too much room and don't break the bank, but decided that I needed a way for my kitties to come and go as they please, so I thought a tunnel would be perfect from a cat door.

If you look on You Tube you can get into some pretty technical and well built tunnels that any kitty would love, but if like me, you don't want to completely change your backyard, and nothing permanent,  then getting something online might be a good start especially if you don't want to invest too much money just yet.

Older cats simply love to lay outdoors so they are easier to entertain once they get used to a enclosure, but the kitties need lots of stimulation so you will need to add toys and hanging things for them to play with.

ABO Gear Kitty Compound Cat Play House

Outdoor Cat Tunnel and Tent on the Cheap

I figure anything I can get for under 100 dollars is a good deal.  As much as I would love to create a huge outdoor playground for my kitties, I thought this setup would work well with the tunnel, which you could place near a cat door so they can come and go obviously in the nicer weather, and keep the tent in the shade as best you can or cover with a sheet to keep hot sun off or place on your covered deck or porch.

Or Just Purchase the Tunnels and Join a Few together

ABO Gear Fun Run

Although the end of this tunnel has a zippered screen, I figured you could open it and attach a few of these tunnels together with plastic twist ties so they can have a long cat tunnel to play in.  Just an idea.

You could have it go around the yard for fun.

Cat Enclosure Tent

You can also just purchase the tent alone, if you are looking for a place for them to relax.   This would be great for older cats that simply love to laze around you could even add kitty hammocks for fun.  But since cats love tunnels, I thought getting the two together and maybe a few more tunnels would be awesome fun for the kitties.

ABO Gear Happy Habitat for Indoor Cats

As you can see in the picture, this would be a great way to bring your cats camping.  You can keep them safe while you sit and enjoy the day whether visiting, at the cottage, camping or in your backyard.  This will keep your neighbours happy since cats love to dig in fresh overturned dirt and flower gardens!

Cat Enclosure Tent or Tunnels or Both

It all depends on your cat or cats and their personality.  Adding the tunnels in my opinion gives them something to do and play in.  They love to hide and sneak up on things.

Add a Cat Hammock 

Best cat hammocks for sale I found online.  This one can definitely be hooked inside a cat enclosure or tent.  Cats love to nap, so if you are adding tunnels, then also add a play room or tent for them to take their nap in after a day of outdoor fun in safety.  Not a fan of this one?  Check out this full page for more ideas to cradle your kitty in comfort

Add Toys or a Place to Snuggle such as with a Cat Tree

You could simply put their favourite beds out in this cat enclosure for them to enjoy sleepy time, or you could add a cat tree.  Not too tall as it needs to fit in this tent.   The two younger cats I own would love to run in a few tunnels attached together, where as my older cat would simply head for the tent and use the bed or tree.  You know your cats better than anyone!

TRIXIE Pet Products Baza Cat Tree

You could really turn this outdoor cat tunnel and tent into a play ground depending on your budget.  If you could also rig up some kind of shelter they could still play outside on rainy days.

You don't have to go nuts creating a safe outdoor space for your indoor cats.  Just give them things to burn off energy, such as toys, and the tunnels, and then a soft place to curl up and enjoy the outdoors.

If you are really watching your budget, I also found a diy outdoor cat tunnel on You Tube, check it out below:

DIY Outdoor Cat Tunnel

This video shows you how to create your very own cat tunnels with simply supplies.  He built his for 5 bucks!.

Using an outdoor cat tunnel system and tent will make life easier for you too, as you will no longer have to worry where they are and getting them in at night.  As I did research I also found many people installed cat doors or used windows for the cats to come and go as they please which would make life easier for sure, but you don't have to go that far, just having a outdoor playground that is safe will keep your cats happy.

You can also check out my post on Large Outdoor Cat Enclosures to see other ideas, especially if you want something more permanent.

So for all you cat lovers out there, I hope I have inspired you to keep your birds safe and your neighbours happy!

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 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...