Washable Baggies Save Money and Help the Environment

 I am guilty as charged..  Yes I do use plastic baggies for sandwiches and leftovers.  I do try to use the containers when I can, but it is easy to slip a sandwich into a baggie!

I have come across many washable ideas for baggies, and couldn't really understand how they worked until I saw one with a friend.

reusable baggies

Just click on the link to see a page full of reusable ideas for lunch!.

She said she loves them so much she will never go back!  This is an awesome idea for anyone trying to reduce their footprint on this world, and at the same time add some fun to lunch for yourself or the kids!

reusable baggies 

I had not seen these before.  I had heard of them, but never gave them much attention until I went to replace my plastic baggies and the price has gone way up!

I am now convinced this is the way to go, especially if you have a few lunches to pack with this new school year.  It also adds some fun to eating a sandwich!

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...