How to Get Rid of Sour Smell in Your Car

 Many of us pretty much live in our cars, and if you have kids, maybe they are not so neat at eating those snacks or meals!

The result can be a stinky sour smell, every time you open the car door.  Gross.

Been there done that!

But here are a few quick steps you can take to eliminate that smell so that opening your car door does not make you feel sick, especially when the sun has been shining on the car for a while and heats up the odors!

Step 1 - Find the Source!

Yes I know this means possibly cleaning out the car, but chances are there is a science project under the car seats, or in the folds of the seats, somewhere in there is the culprit!

Step 2 - Natural Freshener

Once you have removed the culprit, or vacuumed up the remains of many snacks, it is time to freshen the air. 

  Side Note Here:  If you use a car wash place to vacuum, make sure you check the car for money or special toys in the car first, as these vacuums are powerful and you can't get anything back.

There are a few choices and all work well, so whatever supplies you have on hand will work.

A - Charcoal.  Yes if you have a barbeque that uses charcoal briquets or something similar, place some in a paper bag or in some newspaper with the top open and leave overnight.  Charcoal absorbs odors and leaves a "no smell". 

If you don't have charcoal, you can get these charcoal air deodorizers online here.

any of these work well and are contained.

B.  Coffee Grounds.  If you don't mind donating some of your fresh coffee grounds to the situation, then pour some in a bowl and cover with saran wrap with  many holes poked in the top.

The coffee grounds absorb the odors and leave a fresh coffee smell.

C.  Baking Soda.  You could try this on a weekend, when you could vacuum the car the next morning.  Simply sprinkle baking soda on the seats and the floor of the car liberally, and leave overnight, then vacuum.  Baking soda absorbs odors.

D.  Crumpled Newspapers.  Yes believe it or not, plain black and white newspaper will absorb odors.  So if you don't have any of the above supplies, but a good supply of newspapers, leave a few in the car overnight.

Hopefully the above have given you ideas.  Obviously finding the science project or accumulation of odor causing things such as food wrappers, crumbs, yogurt (yes this one can be nasty!) is important.

Hint:  Use rubber gloves before sticking your hands under the car seats!  I did this once and brought out a moldy nasty chees string!.

I love the above methods because they are not chemically involved, so give them all a try.

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