How to Trim Your Calories to Lose Weight - No Fuss No Muss

 As with many people, the silly saying that is going around is how "I gained the Covid 10 or 15 or 20"!!  

Without the activities,  going to the office, the gym and socializing many people took to the couch and Netflix and gained a few pounds!

If this is you (and me!) then here is a brilliant way that has worked for me in order to lose the stubborn pounds without counting every bite, depriving yourself or working your butt off in exercise.

I find counting calories super stressful and the minute you take away any treats I will constantly think about them, so to me trying to lose weight seemed stressful until I found this idea.


Now before you hit the back button as visions of scales and measuring spoons come into mind, I came across these portion control plates.

You simple fill the spaces with your favorite foods and you are using portion control!

Portion control is the best way in my opinion to ditch some calories without feeling deprived.  A came across an article that stated our dinner plates have seriously grown in size since the 1950s, and of course we tend to fill them.

I despise measuring and weighing food, so this idea has been working for me.  I don't cut anything out I simply control the size, which is easier when you use a premeasured plate.  You get used to eating less.

Hope this helps!

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...