Creative Ways to Hide a Litter Box

 We have an indoor cat, and as much as I adore her, and can’t imagine life without her, but the litter box is an issue.  When she gets into it, she turns around a few times and digs to the bottom and sends the litter flying every which way, which was not as big a deal in the basement but things, have changed.

We recently downsized our home, and there simply was not the easy to hide places for the litter tray that there were in our other home.  We are in an apartment actually, and no matter how creative you get, there it is for everyone to see.  No basement to hide it in and no closet space to dedicate to her.

Large Cardboard Box

I created my own cover over the litter box with a large hole in a packing box and she used it, but I found it was pretty ugly.  You could decorate it as an option, but decided to check out other ideas online.

I couldn't believe it! Obviously this is a problem for other cat lovers like me, who don't want the toilet habits of the cat out on display.  There are some pretty creative litter box ideas!

Training Your Cat to Change Litter Boxes

Usually cats are so super curious and nosy, they will check out anything, but mine was a little less impressed with the idea.  I made sure she was watching me when I put it together.  I loved the planter one below!

I added a favorite treat at the entrance to the litter box, and I also lifted it up so she could see where the litter was.  At this point don't change the litter, keep everything else the same, and even the old cats will check out their new digs!

How to Get Rid of Mice From Your Home or Cottage

 Autumn is the most popular time for mice to try and find someplace warm to hang out and if they can get into your house or cottage they will!

They are super sneaky and can fit through the tiniest of cracks.  So the best defense is to take offense and stop them at the door!

Here are 3 Ways to Put Mice Off or Get Rid of the Ones That Have Moved In

Dryer Sheets - This one has worked well for me, especially if it is the cottage or some rooms you are not always in.

Place unused dryer sheets on the beds, in the closets and in the basement.  Leave them there for a couple of weeks, then replace them.  The bonus?  Your house will smell nice.  Mice cannot stand the smell.

Peppermint Oil - Mice cannot stand the smell of peppermint oil.  If you have an idea where they might be coming in, place some peppermint oil on some cotton face swabs and leave there.  This also works for cars that you may be covering and storing for the winter.  Mice can do a lot of damage to upholstery.

Using an Ultrasonic Pest Controller - Apparently, mice cannot stand the frequency and it puts them off moving into your home at all.


You can get these online with Amazon as you see above.  Perfect if you are hearing them in the walls and need to get rid of many mice. 

Other Ways to Prevent Them Getting In.

House Plants Outdoors?

If you put your house plants out for the summer and are ready to bring them back in, inspect the pot and place some peppermint oil on swabs or dryer sheets lightly on top of the soil for a day or too before bringing them inside

My mother found out the hard way when she brought in her floor plant.  Mice had actually built a nest in the pot and she only found out when she got into the house.  The numerous mice fled as soon as she got in.

Caulking Any Tiny Holes Around Foundation

I was once told, if a quarter can fit through the hole sideways... so can a mouse!  Inspect your foundation for any cracks or holes.

A good way to do that, is to have someone in the basement at night time with lights out while you shine a flashlight around the foundation.. any holes should show up.   This also works for spiders!!

Keep Cereal And Any Boxed Dry Goods In Plastic Containers with Lids

This is especially true for the cottage.  If you can remove the food source, mice are not as interested. 
A few spills here and there and it attracts them like a magnet.

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...