Old Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box - What to Do?

My cat Muffin is almost 14 years old.

She is a beautiful lovable cat but as like most kitties, has a mind of her own that has worsened as she aged.

Just recently she decided that peeing outside the litter box was acceptable, which of course it was not to me!

Not sure what got into her head at that moment, but think it was simply laziness on her part in the end, but it quickly became a bad habit.

She Just Stared at Me and Peed!

I figured this was going to be a battle of wits.  I looked at the obvious things, such as ..

Did I change the litter brand? - NO
Did I clean it out often enough? - YES

So what has changed? 

I Thought maybe the box sides were too high now as she walks a bit stiffly with age, so I replaced the litter box with one with lower sides, but that changed nothing.  Until I made one big discovery!!

Change Out the Newspapers or Floor Protection!

I always kept layers of newspaper under the box as I have 2 other messy cats.  I guess Muffin decided on one of her lazy days... that the newspapers were just as good as litter and would pee on them and then shred them up with her claws as if burying her business and walk away.

So, it wasn't that she was too stiff and arthritic to get in, she just got lazy!

I got tired of the drippy newspapers full of cat pee, and washing the floor around it.

Puppy Pee Pads to the Rescue!

As an senior cat, she tends to pee a lot and I was getting tired of stockpiling newspapers, and decided this situation wasn't on.

So I got rid of the papers, kept the original kitty litter box, and placed it on a puppy pee pad.

Hoping this strategy wouldn't send her into other rooms as a protest, I watched from afar to see what she would do when she came across this new layer of material.

She sniffed it, then made the effort to climb in the box!

So far, she only had an accident on this pad, and that was 6 days after I put it there.  Even this accident was only because her bum was not totally inside.

She couldn't shred this material like she could with the newspapers, so decided that she had better make the effort and get in.

So for anyone else out there with a senior cat that still has some life left in them, don't let them get control of this situation!

Take a close look at the way they use it and if you have not changed anything, and they go beside the box, then try the puppy pads.  AT least this way you are not cleaning wet floors all the time.  Even if they keep going on these pads, they are much easier containment as they are designed to hold a lot of pee.

They are not thick, but I am amazed at just how much they can hold as they are designed for dogs.

Compromising with my Cat

When they do pee on this material it totally contains it.  So for me this was a compromise.

I thought I would simply have to invest in these for the remainder of her life, but was surprised to find out she could still use the box, just found the papers easier.

One for Me!

So this was one battle I seemed to have won... for now.

If you use a litter mat or something under the box and your cat is peeing and pooing on this instead of climbing in, then at least by using puppy pads you can keep the area clean.

But with my cat, Muffin, it seemed to cure the situation that had been going on for months.  Some of the pee had actually migrated under the baseboard and now that needs replacing, so this was not looking good for my old cat.

These puppy pads totally limit any damage the cat pee does when you are not there and they decide to go on the floor beside it.  I found them online for a good price.  I found I didn't need the big ones,  just enough to cover the floor area on the side she was using.

How to Make Halloween Dog Treats - Quick and Easy Recipe

Dog owners know that chocolate can be a serious hazard for our poochies, but wouldn't it be nice if you could still let them join in the spirit of the night with a simple to make Halloween Dog Treat?

As long as your dog can tolerate plain greek yogurt (most doggies can) then let them enjoy!

What you will need:

2 x cups of natural Greek Yogurt (no sugars or flavours added, it needs to be plain)
1 x medium ripe banana (no green bananas here!)
1/3 cup of peanut butter
1 x tablespoon of honey (optional)


Dump everything into a food processor or blend well with a mixer.  It needs to be totally blended.

Pour into silicone (or non stick) molds.

Freeze for at least an hour


This would be a great idea as a doggy treat for visiting parents who bring their dog along with them all dressed up for Halloween.  

It is nice to give them a treat too!  Of course always ask the dog owner if you can give them a frozen treat, and let them know what is in the treat.

When they have their very own treat, they will not keep bugging for the kids goodies. 

These can be eaten by people too, as the ingredients are natural, but it is nice to keep them for your dogs.  I like the silicone mold above as the frozen treats are not huge.

Halloween Dog Treats For Sale

If you don't want to make your own, you can also purchase ready made doggy treats online.  This is so cute especially if your dog loves to dress up and be a part of the festivities.  You can also hand out these little bags to friends and neighbours who stop by on Halloween Night.

Your dog is part of your family, it is nice to give them affordable little treats that are designed for them and won't upset their digestive systems.

Have a Bowl of Doggy Bones or Your Homemade Treats Ready to Hand Out for the Four Legged Trick or Treaters!

Organize an area at the door where you will be giving out the goodies so that your candies for kids are easy to grab.  Example:  I pour mine into a large salad bowl so it is easy to grab and I can see how many are left.

Also have a bowl of small dog bone treats either purchased or homemade and if you like the above recipe, a cooler bag with freeze packs inside to keep the yogurt/peanut butter treats frozen.

I am sure the dog owners would love the idea of their doggy having a treat so they can join in.  They can eat it right there and then.

So many dogs are dressing up for the occasion and so adding some Halloween dog treats to the night will certainly get a tail wag I am sure!  Who could refuse their cute faces!

Rental Kitchen Makeover Ideas on the Cheap - 7 Ways to Update Your Rented Kitchen Without Damage

If you have just moved into a rental apartment or house, then chances are the kitchen is not the happiest place right now!  Whether is is just builder white or has seen better days as with an older place, there are ways to personalize and transform your kitchen to make it welcoming and actually inviting.

✅1.  Peel and Stick Countertop

If your counter is an ugly color or worn out or you just want to add some pizzazz to your space, then start with the countertop.  It is the largest surface in your kitchen and will make an impact by changing it.

Before and After Countertop with Peel and Stick Granite Looking Paper

You can get this product online and there are many colors and textures to choose from.


Before you just rip off that backing, you need to do a little bit of prep work.
Step 1 - Empty your Countertop
Step 2 - Clean to get rid of any grease, this part is important or the paper won't stick
Step 3 - Invest in a smoother tool to slowly place the product onto the counter.

Check out this video below to see just how she places peel and stick paper to her rental kitchen.

The Smoother tool is super important for gradually adhering the paper to the countertop for that perfectly smooth surface.

It is amazing just how quickly you can transform your countertop. Just remember to use hot plates and pot holders on this surface when cooking. When it comes time to move, you can peel it off but chances are the landlord will love it and want to keep it.

✅2.  Swap Cabinet Hardware

This is an easy swap that doesn't damage the cabinets at all.  Just keep the old hardware in a box where you can find it.

If you plan on staying here for a while this is a great investment to simply bring life back into this space and to make it more inviting for you as this is your home whether rented or not.

I like this beautiful hardware as there are 25 pieces to a pack with over 1200 positive reviews at the time of this writing. You don't want to spend too much but it can make all the difference. This style works on cabinets that only have one drilled hole for the hardware, if yours are more like handles, you can still get good deals on them online too as below:

Obviously, do not be drilling holes in the cabinets, try to work with what is there.

With the countertop updated and the hardware updated, things should be looking a little better.

✅3.  Temporary Floor Covering for Rental Kitchen

If the floor has seen better days in the kitchen or is some horrid design that you simply can't live with, then you can invest in a pack or two of "click together flooring"  These are not installed floors, so there is no gluing or any permanent DIY.

  You use an under padding and then just click these together right over the existing floor.  This is a bit more money, but if your landlord doesn't want to replace the kitchen flooring, then this is something you can add to it without any damage.

It will feel like a new kitchen without hurting the original design.

✅4.  A Bright Runner Kitchen Rug is Another Option to Add some Pizzazz and Personality!

If adding a temporary floor is not in your budget, then consider simply adding a few kitchen runner rugs to detract from a boring or worn floor.  Most floors show the most wear in front of the kitchen sink and the stove, so adding some soft non slip rugs to these areas would work too.

✅5.  Appliance Paint

If the kitchen appliances are yours and they are older, then simply repainting them white will freshen up the space.

If they belong to the landlord, ask if you can paint them to brighten them up.  The paints on the market are so good, you would never know they were not white to begin with!  You can actually get specific paint for them online:

This can be a big job, but does pay off in looks!

You can also get this in a spray, but if you are painting your refrigerator for example where it stands, then using the can and a roller is best.  It doesn't leave any brush marks and it totally durable and will give your appliances a new lease on life.

After many moves they tend to get nicks and cuts that rust, so by giving them a coat of specific appliance paint, they will look new again.

✅6.  Refrigerator Door Stickers - Instant Punch of Kitchen Art and Color

If you can't repaint the refrigerator, you won't believe what you can get!!  Refrigerator mural stickers.
Check these out, they are super cool.

If you just want to add some whimsy or a punch of color and don't want to get into any DIY, you can get these awesome murals for doors or refrigerator doors as pictured.  Click on it and at the bottom of the page are more mural ideas.

Talk about adding art to the kitchen!

✅7.  Add Canvas Coffee or Wine Art to Walls

You can get some awesome art pieces to hang in your kitchen to instantly add some 3D to the space.
These 4 pieces fit together and are under 50 bucks on Amazon right now.

If you have the wall space, this can be an awesome way to add to the plain walls.  If not coffee, then go for a wine theme as below:

How to Decorate a Rental Kitchen?

The trick is to not cause any harm to the original surfaces.

But if you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do a little bit of DIY, you can make this plain kitchen your home.   There are so many cool and yet temporary products on the market now.  Even with the art you can use those 3M hooks that cause no holes or wall damage.

By putting your stamp on it, it will feel like a welcoming place to come home to at the end of a hard day.

Just because you are renting doesn't mean you have to live with the decor.  If you don't harm original surfaces, then your landlord will be happy, and he might actually love what you have done to the place.

Even if you only add a couple of the above ideas, you can make a difference to the space..

Obviously, budget will be the most important factor.  But even if you check out thrift stores and garage sales for some things you can add to personalize you space, this will make a difference. 

I Once Rented for a Year and Thought Why Bother?  Big Mistake...

I felt since I was only going to be there a year, why make the effort?  Big mistake.. it was so uninviting, it actually became depressing and I really didn't feel at home or want to eat my meals in there. 

It is good for your soul to add personality to wherever you live including temporary housing, even if it is short term. 

As they say:


Embossed Rolling Pin for Halloween - Super Cool Way to Make Patterns on Cookies

If you love Halloween and all the events associated with this season, then check out the latest in embossed rolling pins!  It says for Kids but they are for any age!

These are a super awesome way to create patterned cookies in this theme.   To use these rollers you need a cookie recipe that is stiffer and requires you to roll it out and cut out shapes. 

Here is the Best Roll Out Cookie Recipe!


1 x cup butter
1 x cup white sugar
1 x large egg
2 x tsp baking powder
2 x tsp vanilla
2-3/4 cups of all purpose flour


Step 1 - Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F.

Step 2 - Cream the butter and sugar with a mixer (works best if butter is room temperature)

Step 3 - Beat in egg and the vanilla with the mixer

Step 4 - Mix the flour and the baking powder together

Step 5 - Add one cup of flour mixture at a time combining after each addition.

Step 6 - It will be too hard at this point for the mixer, so take it out and add the last 3/4 cup of flour and mix with a spatula or wooden spoon.  The mixture will be quite stiff.

Step 7 - Divide into 2 equal balls

Step 8 - Roll out to the desired thickness, usually about 1/8 inch thick

Step 9 - Cut out with a standard shaped cookie cutter

Step 10 - Quickly roll over your cut out cookies with this patterned rolling pin to create the shapes.  Don't press too hard our may flatten the cookie too much.  The stiffer the dough the better.

This part takes a bit of practice but the results are awesome.

Step 11 - Bake for 6 - 10 minutes until light brown.  They change from perfect to burnt very quickly so don't leave the room!

Now you have perfect cookies for Halloween, for the kids lunch boxes, or just to celebrate the season.

The trick is to create a stiff dough for the cookies that needs to be rolled out so that they will maintain the cute indents you will add.

Natural Wood Patterned Rolling Pin

I thought these were the coolest way to add some pizzaz to your cookies!  The ones above are Halloween, but if you click the link they also cater to many other patterns and themes.

This set contains the cutest Halloween shapes, such as moon, pumpkin, spider, ghost, witch, skull cross bones, candle and hag.

You can use them for awesome cookies and your kids can also use them on play dough.  Super fun idea.

How to Paint Laminate Countertops - Kitchen DIY on the Cheap - Re-Think Your Kitchen Renovation

This is definitely a subject I am familiar with as I have done this a few times.  Back when I painted countertops there were not many products on the market for this DIY.

But when the budget is tight you get creative.  Try this to get rid of "ugly".

I came across this kit after updating my last house, and I totally feel this is the way to go.  Upcycling and keeping perfectly good surfaces out of the landfill is one other benefit to using this kit for your DIY kitchen upgrade besides saving a boatload of money.

The transformation for a little bit of DIY is unbelievable!  Check out the reviews on this product!

Can You Paint Laminate Countertops?  Yes you Can

Giani Countertop Paint Kit

If you want the look of marble or some kind of stone, then purchasing one of these kits would be the best.  It is a bit more money, but you do get everything you need in the kit.  This kit covers 16 linear feet of a standard 24 inch deep counter.

For under 100 bucks you can paint 16 feet of counter space. That is a pretty good deal. Below is a video to show you just how easy this is to do:.


1.  Make sure your surface is super clean and free of grease or none of this will stick properly.

2.  If you have holes or chips in the laminate, fill them with drywall spackle and sand them till even with counter or these dips and nicks will show.

3.  Make sure and use painters tape to block off the back splash and cover the under cabinets with plastic as the primer is pretty sticky.

Over 1800 awesome reviews for this product at the time of this writing.

DIY Can Totally Change Your Kitchen on the Cheap

Countertops are seriously expensive to replace, even the laminate ones.  So yes, your kitchen will be out of commission for at least 24 hours (with the savings you can order take-out).

This is done on the cheap but definitely doesn't look cheap. The prep takes the most time, so allow yourself a weekend for this job.   If you change the color (this product comes in different colors) this will transform your entire kitchen.

Picture - Painted Countertop Looks So Real and Professional with Giani Kits

Take it a step further and clean your cabinets and update the hardware even a new faucet and you are done.

Make sure to cover everything as the primer is strong and sticky.  It needs to be to bond to the surface, but you don't want it bonding to other surfaces!  Take the time to tape, and plastic cover anything in the way for the best looking job ever.

But What if You Rent?  What if You Don't Like the Idea of Paint and the Mess?

Peel and Stick Countertops 

These are a little bit fiddly but if you are patient and follow the instructions they can transform your surface quickly without paint.

Step 1 - Seriously clean the surface

Step 2 - Measure and follow the instructions

Check out this video to see how this couple changed their countertops without paint.  It can all be removed if needed too.

Don't Rip Out that Kitchen Unless you Are Ready to Spend Big Bucks!

Kitchen renovations are so expensive.  Why not try a weekend of DIY?

Paint the cabinets, and then paint the countertops.  Change out the hardware and you will have a brand new kitchen!  You can even get peel and stick back splashes to compliment your new counter.

Nothing wrong with having nice things on the cheap!  Just change things up with specialty paints or peel and stick products.

Best Small Dog Halloween Costumes - Top 5 Under 30 Dollars

Rather than leaving your small dog at home while you take the kids around door to door this Halloween, why not dress him/her up to join in the festivities?

You don't have to spend a lot, so here are some of the best small dog Halloween costumes available online right now.  Get shopping early!

Number 1 - Wonder Woman Costume

✅This one is super cute and comes in different sizes. Check out the pet size chart to make sure you get the right size. But for under 20 bucks (sale right now!) you can dress up your pet.

Number 2 - Shark Costume

✅This is an awesome idea especially if there is a nip in the air on Halloween night. Cool shark look and warm. Check the size chart as well and as many right now, there is a sale.

Number 3 - Stegosaurus

✅Little bit more money, but cute design and effective looking fabric.  This is foam padded for comfort and some warmth.

Number 4 - Tarantula

✅Fuzzy and furry and super realistic spider hair and it has the dangling legs.  Something a little different.

Number 5 - Lady Bug

✅As cute as a button!  Soft and plumb 3D body with glitter mesh wings.  It comes with an antenna and head piece for an authentic look.  You small dog doesn't have to be scary to join in, just cute as a button!

Above are the Top 5 Small Dog Costumes for Halloween this Year under 30 Bucks. 

If you shop early you can get some of the sales, but the longer you wait the prices tend to go up the closer you get to the event day.  I have found Amazon to carry a huge assortment of fun wear for dogs of all sizes.  I have been talking about small dogs in this post, but you can get lots of costumes for larger dogs too and your cats if they are willing!

Follow Size Charts

Just make sure and follow the size charts for any of the costumes that tend to be more fitted.  If you have a favorite store you shop at, check their presence online as many stores cannot carry a huge stock so they will also sell online.

Small Dog Halloween Costumes DIY

If you prefer to make your own, there are lots of ideas and patterns online too.  The Simplicity Pattern contains costumes for both cats and dogs.  If you love to sew, then something like this might be more to your liking.

Cat wear and dog wear are fun for anytime of year, but especially Halloween! You could meet kids at the door with yourself dressed up and your pet.

If you don't like the idea of sewing too much and want something simple, then check out this video for more ideas.

These are fun ideas that won't take more than an afternoon to put together.  It also depends on the personality of your dog and just how much he likes to wear clothes or dog wear.

Many small dogs are used to cold weather wear so they would embrace wearing a costume.

What if Your Dog Hates Costumes or Cothes?

Try a simple themed bandanna rather than a full on outfit.  These are super cute and quick to put on.  Just don't have it too tight.  Most doggies would wear one of these.  You know your dog's personality best.  Some small poochies love to show off a new outfit, where as others try to rip it off as soon as they can.  Either way you can still get into the spirit of the night with the below options.

These are under 10 bucks online (just click the picture for this one and other ideas).  You can also purchase Halloween fabric and make your own.

Another Option is a Halloween Themed Dog Collar.  Since they are used to wearing a collar then this will not upset them and still get you and your pet into the spirit of Halloween.

If you want to involve your small dog this year for the ghosts and goblins and all that goes with it, then dress up your dog and have some fun.

Whether is is a full on fitted costume or simply a collar or bandana, you can get into the spirit without breaking the bank.  It is fun and something to enjoy.


How to Build a Feral Cat Shelter the DIY Way

If you have feral cats or simply outdoor cats, they will need shelter this winter to keep out the wind, the damp and the snow.  Check out this video to make your own Feral Cat Shelter:

✅What You will Need:

1.  A large plastic tote container
2.  Styrofoam cooler or Styrofoam Sheets
3.  Bedding Straw

All of these things can be purchased in local discount stores and pet shops but you can also get them online as sometimes the Styrofoam coolers are hard to find off season.

There are many different sizes online.  You can cut to fit or you could also use Styrofoam sheets and cut to fit the sides of the tote.

Follow the Video and create that perfect outdoor home for your feline friends.

My Feral Cat Story

I had a feral cat come to my yard a couple of years ago.  He would not come anywhere near us but you could see he was starving as he was raiding the bird feeder.

We began to work with him and created a feeding shelter by leaning a wheel barrow against the wall and moved it closer and closer to the house.  This was working great until winter arrived.  In Ontario, Canada the winters are cold and I created a shelter for him using this type of method in the video.

I took it one step further and placed it in the shed where he had been going.  Try to place this homemade feral cat house somewhere sheltered if you can so that snow doesn't blow inside of it.

The Straw Keeps Away Moisture

I received advice from an agency who dealt with feral cats, and they said never to use a towel as bedding as it will freeze when a wet cat enters.  The straw bedding wicks away moisture.

If you Prefer, you can Also Purchase Ready to Go Feral Cat Shelters online.  I couldn't find any in my local pet shop but found many online.

You can add straw to this insulated house for comfort and to wick away moisture.

Winters are harsh for feral and outdoor cats.  If they are scared of human contact, they will try and shelter anywhere they can and that might be your car engine, your roof, under your porch or in your garage or shed.

By creating a outdoor home for them you are giving them some comfort.

Check with Your Local Humane Society for Help with Feral Cats...

They might be able to give you information or direct you to the proper organization that have programs in place to catch and spay/neuter cats.

We are super happy with our new friend.

It took exactly one full year to become tame and our former "feral cat" MOO now quite happily lives inside with us.  Eats from a proper cat bowl and snuggles while we watch TV.

Once he was tame enough to come indoors, we took him to the Veterinarian to be neutered.  Within a month of that process, he became less twitchy and happy to stay inside.

We still keep the outdoor shelter available as sometimes he still prefers to go outside and this way he has a warm place to go.

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...