Awesome Outdoor Cat Enclosure to Keep Your Cat Safe

 As much as we would love to just let our cats out and roam, it is just not safe for them!

Between cars, other animals and not so nice people, our cats are constantly in danger while outdoors.

You could leash them, which works if you trained your cat from an early age to except a leash, but wouldn't it be nice if you could enjoy the good weather outdoors and have your cat outside with you too?

I am presently searching for a good enclosure that my cats would feel comfy in, and they could enjoy the fresh air too.

I have checked many pet shops but it doesn't seem to be something they carry, they tend to carry indoor things, so I checked online and found some awesome deals with Amazon.

Depending on the size you need, you can get super comfy outdoor spaces for your cats to enjoy. Many have shelves and climbing frames in them which cats love.

Depending on your budget, you can get ones that almost fill a backyard!  No way your cat would get bored.  Check out this full page of ideas.

Cat Enclosures 

I love my cats dearly and don't want to see them get hurt, or bother neighbors with their digging up flower beds. 

This is the perfect solution and they come apart for storage. You could take them to the cottage so that you can take your cat with you! This was another consideration I had.

Anyways, I hope you check out some of this ideas.  You could also try building your own if you are handy.

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