How to Freeze Fresh Tomatoes Fast No Boiling

If you are seeing a bumper crop of tomatoes this year, then storing them can become a challenge!

Fresh eating tomatoes fresh from the garden are awesome! 

Keep the ones you want to eat fresh on the counter out of the sun for a few days.  The refrigerator zaps all the flavor out so don't put them in there!

But what if you have a bumper crop?

If you visioned days of blanching, canning etc, no need!

You can create fresh bags of frozen tomatoes fast and they are perfect for stews, sauces, stir fries (my favorite use!) and more.

Step 1 - Make sure they are washed, clean and dry

Step 2 - Inspect for any damage or bruises.

Step 3 - Core the top out and cut out any damage.

It is worth investing in a tomato corer tool.  It makes life much easier and wastes less flesh than a knife.  You can get them on Amazon below:

Having this tool makes life much easier!

Step 4 - Start dicing into manageable sizes.  You can freeze tomatoes whole, but I personally prefer to have them diced as she does in the video.  It makes it easier for use in stews and stir fries if they are already diced or chopped.

Step 5 - Place in a labeled freezer bag.  Squeeze as much air out as you can.


I always saw my gran blanche and can tomatoes but you don't have to!  This works well for any cooking dish you are making. 

Plus they don't take long to thaw.  I used to just dump a bag into my crock pot with a roast right from the freezer.  It is nice to be eating your own fresh veg even into the winter.

ENJOY!  the fruits of your labor into the winter months.

How to Stay Cool Without AC

I don't know about you, but the last week or so where I live has been stifling hot.  I love the summer and would never trade it for winter, but even me, a die hard summer lover, can do without some of the excess heat!

Not every house is equipped with central air, and it is expensive to run.  A window unit works but they do suck extra power, and maybe you rent?  A DIY is not in the cards.  So here are a few ideas that have worked for me.

1.  Fan Blowing Over Bowl of Ice

Take a regular osculating fan, and place on a secure surface such as a table, and then place a bowl of ice in front of the fan and keep it stationary (not moving around).

This actually works super well to quickly cool yourself down while working, in the kitchen or wherever you are seated.

2.  Homemade Air Conditioning (how to video)

If you have a bit more time on your hands, then check out this video.  It is basically the same idea as idea number 1, but the cool air will last longer as the ice is in a insulated Styrofoam cooler.

Check out the video:

According to the author of this video it only cost him 8 bucks to make (but he also had a fan already).

But this would definitely work for cooling a room.  This is an awesome idea to keep an area cool.  Create a cooling room in your home, such as the bedroom so you have a place to go when things get too hot.

3.  Purchased Personal Air Coolers

There has been much progress in the world of purchased air coolers that do not need to be exhausted out windows or heavy and cumbersome.  I found some of these on Amazon below.

These are great options if you simply need to cool yourself. No DIY or taking out windows or huge electricity bills. I hope the ideas above help you get creative when it comes to living with excess heat for yourself and your family.

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...