RVing with Cats - Traveling with Cats in an RV - Taking Cats Camping

It can get very expensive to board your cat while you are off camping or RVing, but they are not as easy to control as say a dog when it comes to traveling.

But after much research I discovered different ways in which you can take your Cat  or cats camping especially in an RV.

Years ago, we took our cats camping, but there were not the products on the market to make this easy.  We couldn't afford to board them, and we were camping for our vacation to save money.  I simply leashed my cats and had them on a tie out, which did draw many looks.  It worked but was not the best idea.

But fast forward a few decades and check out the many ways you can go RVing with your cat or cats.

Portable Cat Enclosure - These little tents will store away quickly when not in use.

These cute little cat enclosure tents can be set up quickly at your camp site, and you could also if ambitious enough, purchase the tunnel that attaches to this tent and create a way to let your cats in and out of the RV without you even having to get up! Check out this video for ideas on retrofitting this cat tent.

I love how they attached it to the screen door.  Cat can come and go.  This is cool idea too.

This carrier gives your cat a bit more wiggle room, and keeps them safe in the RV or trailer while you are moving.  It can hold a litter box and a bed for them to stretch out on.

Almost like a playpen for cats.  I could have used this when we went RVing, instead our cats clung to anything they could while the vehicle was moving!  This will keep them safe, and could also be used as an outdoor enclosure too.

Portable Litter Box

These little little boxes fill and empty easily and can fold away when not in use, so you don't have to drag the big plastic one from home.

Cat Camping

The above 3 items, can really make your camping experience much easier to handle if you bring your cats.  You will get looks from other campers, but probably great looks, since so many people will bring their dogs, but not their cats.

Cat boarding and cat hotels can cost and also create stress.  Simply having someone we trusted coming to the house to feed them stressed them out as this was not the family.  My cats didn't eat and one wouldn't come inside.  So the idea of taking them with you is sounding good.

Cat Leash and Tie Out in a Pinch

We used this method years ago, but cats are notorious at being able to wiggle out of collars, so if you use this method to keep track of your kitty, then at least use a body brace style instead of relying on a collar.

I personally love the idea of the quick to put up tent as with the first item, simply because you can put your cats inside and no worries about tick bites or fleas or eating something they shouldn't and then you can simply relax and enjoy your camping vacation and so will they in the outdoor fresh air as you can see in the picture.

Pet Friendly Hotels
If you get rained out, or simply want a night in a hotel there are many pet friendly hotels, that only ask that you crate your pets in the room.  The above cat playpen would work for that, and it folds away when not in use.

I hope the above ideas have inspired you to try RVing with cats. If you plan for the above 3 things, a place to sleep and relax in the RV while moving or whenever you need to keep them contained, and a place to do their business that doesn't take up floor space, and a place to hang out in the great outdoors without worry of losing them.

Our pets love our company and it can be a fun experience to take them with you.  Make sure they are up to date on shots and have your pet records with you and enjoy RVing with cats!

Homemade Greeting Card Ideas - Using ACEO Miniature Paintings - Art Card Gift Idea

ACEO Miniature Painting
If you are trying to come up with the perfect gift for someone who simply has everything, then why not try this really cool homemade greeting card idea?

This is actually 2 gifts in one.  A 5 x 7 card with your sentiments and a 5 x 7 inch matted piece of original art ready to frame in a standard frame.

With the right supplies you can create this awesome gift idea for anyone who loves art or for that special someone such as Mother's Day or many other celebrations.

What you Will Need:

Blank Watercolor Cards (these are heavier and much more sturdy than other blank cards)
These usually come with matching envelopes as below.

ACEO sized painting, drawing, or mixed media art.  ACEO (art card editions and originals) are traditionally 2.5 x 3.5 inches.  You could create your own or purchase an original online such as here:

A Brush with the Past ACEO art Cards ...Or you can purchase or make blank art cards of your own from heavy watercolor paper or purchase them already to go online. A quality black or white mat designed just for this size of card. Outside measurement should be 5 x 7 to match your blank greeting card. Permanent Glue - You will need this to attached everything together. These little rollers are the easiest to use when creating homemade cards. How to Make the Greeting Card Gift

1. Take your permanent glue and run a strip of adhesive around the inner opening on the back of the aceo mat.

2.  Center your ACEO art card on a clean surface and then centering your mat opening over the card.

3.  Press down firmly.  You don't need much glue around this edge as the art cards do not have much overlap.

4.  Once the card or aceo miniature painting is firmly attached to the back of the mat.  It is time to add this to the card.

5.  Fold one of the blank watercolor cards on the fold line.  Using a bone folder or a ruler make sure it is creased well.

6.  Run a strip of permanent adhesive around the edge of the front of the card.

7.  Carefully attach the mat to the front of this card.  Press firmly.

8.  Write your sentiments inside the card.  If you painted the aceo art then sign the back of the greeting card and date it.

That is is!  Now you have a beautiful one of a kind card that can be sent to your special someone, which can stand alone as a standard card or it can be framed in a standard 5 x 7 inch frame or one with a 5 x 7 inch opening as a matted and ready to frame original piece of art.

To get the idea check out this one:
Abstract ACEO art card

These make such nice gifts. As many greeting cards just end up being recycled, this one will end up on the wall.

Perfect for a tiny gallery that you can add to. You could have your kids draw their best pictures if this is for relatives, or you could check online for the style of art you think your person may enjoy.  ACEO art cards to frame are not usually expensive as they are tiny samples of art.

One of a Kind Gifts

These are appreciated by many and is a thoughtful gift.  You can make them yourself by purchasing the necessary supplies online as above, of you can get one already to go online too:

I hope I have inspired you to get creative or to give a gift of creativity to the person on your list who has everything.  This is a very personalized gift idea.

Best Black Light for Cat Urine - Find It - Clean it - Get Rid of the Smell - Save the Carpet

As the owner of 3 cats (or should I say they own me!), accidents can happen. 

✅If you walk into your house or a house you are considering buying, and all you can smell is that faint or strong whiff of cat pee or cat urine or any pet urine smell, then you need to haul out this Black Light.

This actually works for any pet stain including dogs. But what a wonderful way to quickly find the problem so you can deal with it.

It is affordable, for under 15 bucks you can shine this light on carpets and furniture to see any residual cat urine stain that your eyes are just not picking up.  This could be the number one cause of that residual smell in your home.  No amount of flowery air spray can cover it.

Cats Can Be Sneaky About Their Toilet Habits

I trained a feral kitty from when he showed up in our yard a couple years back.  It took as a long time to get him to come inside.  He quickly integrated with my two other cats, he went to the Veterinarian and was neutered and seemed to understand socializing.

But one thing we didn't notice right away was his lack of litter box usage.  He decided he didn't like the litter box, and found a small carpeted room in our basement to do his pee business.

It was only when we entered the house we could smell something cat like.

Once Cat Urine Dries It Doesn't Always Leave a Stain

If you shine black light for seeing cat urine around the area, you will quickly hone in on the problem spots.  This way you can then address them with the proper cleaning method.  I have another article on getting rid of pet stains that can help.

Once identified, you can get to work at dealing with it.  For whatever reasons our cat pee spots didn't leave a stain but did leave an odor.  Cat pee is horrible for odor, even more so than dogs.  This could save you hours of work trying to steam clean the entire carpet only to find the smell comes back again.

Best UV Light for Seeing Cat Urine and Other Pet Stains

With over 1500 reviews at the time of this writing, it has got to be one of the best tools you can have in your cat or pet supply kit.

Trying to find the source of pet urine or especially cat urine, which tends not to be as large but far stinkier is much easier if you have the right tools.

Once identified you can get to work cleaning them if possible.  There are so many enzyme type products on the market that will eat up that urine stain and smell.

Take to a Open House With You

I am not kidding!  How many houses have you been at an open house where pets do live there, but the air is just overfilled with lavender or flowery air spray to mask odors?

Take this black light and check out the carpets before you make your offer.  If there are loads of stains showing up, you can show the owner and ask for a lower price especially if the carpets are beyond cleaning and need replacing.

It isn't always obvious to the naked eye!  Wonderful tool to keep your cats and family living in harmony!

How a Cat Window Hammock Can Create Harmony in Your Home Without any DIY

Window Hammock

If you have cats, and especially if you have cats, dogs and kids, giving your cat a place to hang out and be... well a cat is usually by the window.

They love to look outside and keep tabs on the bird feeders and anything else going on in the outside world.  Actually our cat hisses even when the mailman comes, so I know we just got mail!

I came across these really cool hammocks that do not require any DIY, so if you are renting these will work, and they come with super strong suction cups.  Worst case scenario you have a suction mark to clean off when moving.

✅These cat window hammock will hold up to 50 pounds, so no worries about precious falling off the shelf!

If your cat prefers to be more enclosed, check out these really cool pods that stick to the window. I think these cat pods for the window are awesome!  Especially if you have a kitty that love to stay hidden and yet be that cat by the window.

If you have a few cats, then you can get a few of these.  They are under 40 bucks and attach via suction cups to the window.

Cat Window Perch

✅There are so many to choose from, but I also love this one.  This cat has his bed and everything on this shelf, what cat wouldn't love this?

Cats love to be high up. They like to be above the action. This way they can not only keep tabs on what is going on outside, but they can also be looking in on the room to keep tabs on the other pets in the house and perfect for when they want to be left alone and have a safe nap.

Window Mounted Kitty Bowls

You could also take this one step further and make this their feeding station.  This is an awesome way to keep the dogs out of the cat food.  Simply feed them at the window.

For about 10 bucks, you can attach their food bowl to the window.

Keep the Dogs out of the cat food.

We used to feed out cat in the closet so that the dog wouldn't take her food.  Well I have been thinking this is a good way to keep the dog away.  Make the cat window perch and the bowls high enough that the cat can jump to safety and eat safely without the dog getting any.

It was always a battle in my house as the dog loved the cat food but would end up puking because it is not good for dogs.  What an awesome idea!

How to Make Your Own Cat Window Perch

I try to find the best deals around and that is usually online especially with Amazon, but if you are handy and love DIY you can make your own cat window perch out of wood and other supplies as shown in the video below:

Cat By the Window

Cats are always intrigued by what is going on outside.  Giving them their very own cat seat is the perfect way to give them the eye candy they crave.  Yes it would be nice if we could just let them outside but there are so many dangers outside not to mention the fact they would scare away any birds.

So if you love to feed the birds and attract different birds to your yard, then give your cat a front and center seat so they can enjoy.

✅Check out this entire page of CAT WINDOW HAMMOCK or SHELF to get some great ideas.

If you want to take this a step further you could create a outdoor catio or outdoor cat window box that attaches to the outside of your window and you leave your window open and the cat comes a goes.. read more about that here..   HOW TO BUILD A CAT CATIO to find other ways to entertain your cat

What a super awesome way to use up some of that window space and save on floor and couch space!

How to Build a Cat Catio - Cat Patio for Cats to Keep them Safe

I came across this really cool video on how to build a catio for your kitties from an IKEA bookshelf.

This gave me the idea that you could basically build this from any wooden shelving unit, and you can start by checking out the thrift stores and the reuse it stores to get one as cheap as possible.

Check out the video to get inspired!  We all want to keep our cats safe!

I thought this was a super awesome idea especially for indoor cats to enjoy some fresh air without climbing your window screens, and for the outdoor cat that you are trying to keep indoors to still feel like he is outdoors yet safe.

I figure you could build this any size, as long as you use the chicken wire and make sure there are shelves for different activities!

Place In Front of Window for the Ultimate Spa Day for Your Kitty!

As you can see in the video, this is the best place for this CATIO (cat patio) so that your kitty can simply walk out the window and play with hanging toys, scratch on a scratching post and laze around and nap in a bed.  The ultimate spa day for kitty!

You can get most of the supplies online too which makes this project cheaper or simply add one or two things at a time as the budget allows.

Place a nice cat bed on one of the shelves.  Create some homemade cat toys that you can hang from shelves.  Add a scratching post to make this catio fun and enticing for your kitty.  By having a place like this he is less likely to scratch your furniture.

If you have the budget, you can get much larger cat enclosures that you could sinc with your window, or have as a stand alone and take your cat out to it.

I have  3 cats and I just want to keep them safe, but at the same time allow them some fresh air and green space.  You can get all kinds of cool cat enclosures, but I thought this one you could quickly create from wooden shelves was the easiest way to allow them that outdoor time.

Also see:  Outdoor Cat Tunnels to keep your cat safe.

DIY Cat Collar - How to Make Your Own Cat Collar - Cute Quick and on the Cheap

My cat Muffin, was still wearing her same collar from a few years ago, and I realized that it had lost its coloring and was actually rubbing on her neck too much and was pretty boring.

I went to purchase a new one for her and was surprised at how expensive they were!  She is an indoor cat so not likely to lose her's but I do have 2 outdoor cats that lose them in the yard as they are quick release.  This can get expensive.

I came across this video on just how to make your own cat collar and was hooked!  The supplies can be purchased online, and you could actually go into the business of making cat collars for friends and family.  Check it out.

You can personalize these to look awesome with as much bling as you want.  Or with fancy ribbons instead of the elastic.  Either way check the video out and get inspired.  I also found that the clasps can be purchased online in bulk which is cheaper than the local craft shop.

These clasps are quick release, and I personally find using these along with an elastic based collar would work best for my 2 outdoor cats just in case they get stuck under the fence. The patterned elastic is also sold online below. I love the different patterns you can get in this elastic. You could make one for different events or just change them out for fun. Next you need to add some bling as she does in the video. I found all kinds of cool buttons online too. All you need is a needle and thread and some scissors, and you can quickly create your own DIY cat collars for much cheaper than the pet stores.

I quite often find really cool bits of bling and buttons in yard sales.  This is the perfect place to use them.  Just make sure they are not too heavy for your cat, or they will cause friction.

You could buy all these materials in bulk, and get super creative.  You don't have to use elastic, it could be some pretty awesome ribbon you have around the house.  I personally love the idea of the elastic in case my two outdoor cats get stuck somewhere and you can get lots of different patterns.

Start a Cat Collar Business

Sell them on ETSY or take orders, or simply create some awesome gifts for friends with cats.  It is nice to personalize you kitty with beautiful collars with bling instead of the plain ones many pet stores sell.

As you know I am an admitted CAT LADY and love to figure out deals when I can.


Obese Cat - Best Cat Exercise to Lose the Weight - Totally Works

I am an admitted cat lady.  There I have said it!

But just like us humans, some cats seem to hang on to weight more than others.  I have 3 cats and one can eat all day and is naturally slim, the other one is borderline and the oldest one is plain old FAT. (my old fat cat is the one laying on her side!)

Cat obesity is a problem, especially with indoor cats.

I Tried Everything to Control the Cat Obesity in My House... Nothing Worked Until Now!

I tried interactive toys, they grew tired of them.  I tried climbing trees, they slept on the shelves.  I tried restricting their food, they nagged me until I fed them.  But with these two steps, I changed it all.

✅Step 1 - Get a measuring Cup and go by the suggested servings on the packages of food (I use Whiskas dry) and try to stay within that limit the best you can.  Don't super restrict, just play with the suggested amounts then slowly cut it back to the suggested amount for what your cat is supposed to weigh.

✅Step 2 - LASER POINTER TOY - I know you have seen them, but they will chase it until they tire, then will chase it again and again lots of times per day.

This toy actually burns calories.

You can sit on a chair and shine this on the floor and they will chase it everywhere.  Even older cats will get moving a little bit.

Obviously gear it to the age and health of your cat.  I don't shine it up the wall for my older cat because her back legs are stiff, but she will chase it around on the carpet floor.

My other two cats are younger and will chase it up the wall, under tables, they will simply not take their eye off of it.

When I notice they are tiring, I stop.  Then the next day or even later that day I will start it up again.  Anytime we sit down to relax we will get the cats moving and we are slowly working it up to a good few times per day.

Not only does this burn calories, but it is totally entertaining.

You can also get ones that are on a timer.  Bit more of an investment but can keep they happy and active while you are not home.

✅Cat Exercise Totally Helps to Burn off that Fat

The family have been enjoying getting the cats moving.  The part that totally intrigues me is that they don't seem to tire of this toy.

Their toy mouses get knocked around once in a while, but I really do think they need more stimulation and this laser toy does the trick.

✅Weigh Your Cats First for this Experiment

Stand on the bathroom scale without the cat and then pickup your cat.  Record the difference in weight.  This is a good starting point.

Try to stay within the expected food range by measuring your food out for the day instead of just free feeding.  I spread it out over the day.

✅Smaller Cat Bowls

I also went to the dollar store and found smaller cat bowls that are more rounded on the bottom so that any kibble left looks like more in the bottom of the bowl.

In our house, as soon as the cats could see the bottom of the bowl they were looking for more food.

A little bit of a trick, but this does help.

✅Fresh Water

Many cats are picky and when they are thirsty and don't like the stale water they will eat instead.

 I found if you make sure their water is changed daily or even more, they will drink more and eat less.

They are super picky if the water is stale or full of chlorine.

✅Get Them Moving with this Laser Toy

Get them moving a few times a day.  If they are totally sedentary, go slowly at first.  It turned my older cat Muffin into a happy kitty again.

At my cats' last checkup, I was advised I was going to run into trouble.  I tried weight control food, which costs more, but actually made them gain weight as they just didn't seem to fill up.

So I stuck with my regular food and measured out their daily feeding.  I would always leave a little in the bottom of the bowl because cats seem to get worried when it is empty.

✅Obese Cats Equals Ilness

Obese cats run the risk of diabetes, heart disease and all the fat related issues us humans can get.  So, for under 20 bucks I found this laser and my cats are moving every day.  Muffin has already begun to lose weight.

As I was researching different ways to get my cat's health on the right track.  I came across this cat exercise wheel.  Now that would be a totally different way to get them moving, but might be a great idea for a super active cat!

✅The laser toy was the best idea for my 3 cats.

I find with toy mice, they simply don't get stimulated. They have to create the play themselves, whereas a laser pointer will have them moving in different directions and they just love chasing that red dot!

I hope this helps, and you can get started on the path to a healthy cat. They are family members and it is up to us to help them enjoy life to the fullest.

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...