✅If you walk into your house or a house you are considering buying, and all you can smell is that faint or strong whiff of cat pee or cat urine or any pet urine smell, then you need to haul out this Black Light.
This actually works for any pet stain including dogs. But what a wonderful way to quickly find the problem so you can deal with it.
It is affordable, for under 15 bucks you can shine this light on carpets and furniture to see any residual cat urine stain that your eyes are just not picking up. This could be the number one cause of that residual smell in your home. No amount of flowery air spray can cover it.
Cats Can Be Sneaky About Their Toilet Habits
I trained a feral kitty from when he showed up in our yard a couple years back. It took as a long time to get him to come inside. He quickly integrated with my two other cats, he went to the Veterinarian and was neutered and seemed to understand socializing.
But one thing we didn't notice right away was his lack of litter box usage. He decided he didn't like the litter box, and found a small carpeted room in our basement to do his pee business.
It was only when we entered the house we could smell something cat like.
Once Cat Urine Dries It Doesn't Always Leave a Stain
If you shine black light for seeing cat urine around the area, you will quickly hone in on the problem spots. This way you can then address them with the proper cleaning method. I have another article on getting rid of pet stains that can help.
Once identified, you can get to work at dealing with it. For whatever reasons our cat pee spots didn't leave a stain but did leave an odor. Cat pee is horrible for odor, even more so than dogs. This could save you hours of work trying to steam clean the entire carpet only to find the smell comes back again.
Best UV Light for Seeing Cat Urine and Other Pet Stains
Once identified you can get to work cleaning them if possible. There are so many enzyme type products on the market that will eat up that urine stain and smell.
Take to a Open House With You
I am not kidding! How many houses have you been at an open house where pets do live there, but the air is just overfilled with lavender or flowery air spray to mask odors?
Take this black light and check out the carpets before you make your offer. If there are loads of stains showing up, you can show the owner and ask for a lower price especially if the carpets are beyond cleaning and need replacing.
It isn't always obvious to the naked eye! Wonderful tool to keep your cats and family living in harmony!
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