Best Tick Removal Tool for Dogs and People - Get The Entire Tick Leaving Nothing Behind

As the Lyme disease is spread by ticks, the media has for many years now, suggested we always check our skin especially after time outdoors in nature.   The trick is to get the tick off your skin once it has latched on without leaving the head behind.

I am here to tell you TWEEZERS DO NOT WORK!  You will end up leaving the head in the skin, which is what happened when my son and my dog had tick bites.

We took the piece of tick to our local health unit to find out if it was the Deer tick (which carries the Lyme disease)  Luckily, it was not, but he had to have the rest of the tick picked out which was painful.

Our dog was not so lucky, as the tick bite she received was in fact infected.  We did not get it right away and she developed Lyme Disease which can cause arthritis symptoms in dogs and pain.

This comes in two different sizes, and is a very simple tool but it removes the entire tick including the mouth.

This not only reduces the risk of infection, but can give you the chance to have it identified at the health unit as it is not in pieces.  Over 1000 reviews at this writing!

If you pull on it with tweezers, it will come apart and it can be hard to identify and now you have the worst part of the bug still in your skin and tweezers hurt!

They are very tiny when they are first on your skin, but enlarge as they feed on you.  Gross, yes I
know, but it is something you have to watch for, especially with pets.

Pets, especially dogs, will also get the same red inflamed bulls eye ring that humans get if the tick was infected and was able to fully bite, which requires immediate attention if you don't want the disease to spread through their bodies causing pain and distress.

Check Your Skin and then Check Your Pets

If you regularly walk with your dog in the park, through the woods, anywhere in nature, these nasty little critters can be waiting to hitch a ride from just about anywhere.    After your walk, quickly rub all over your skin to feel for one as you will not feel the bite including your scalp.

But don't forget your dogs, as they can't check themselves, and ticks can hang on for days feeding on your dog.  We had removed a tick from our dog before, but obviously missed one because when she became lame the Veterinarian tested her for diseases and it was positive for Lyme Disease and we then found the red ring on her skin after careful inspection.  She is now on 6 weeks worth of strong antibiotics.

I Wish I had this Tick Removal Tool at the Time

I wish I could go back in time and take more effort to search her fur.  She is a furry dog, but the Veterinarian was able to identify the bite site on her skin as it was irritated and red.  She was not feeling well but we are hoping we got her on the medication on time.  We are on week one of the meds.

My Cat Had a Tick Too

Even my cat who loves to play hide and seek in our garden cedar hedge row, had one on the back of his neck.  I saw it right away because he is white and this tick was darkening as it was feeding.  I yanked it off with tweezers and the head remained in the skin which then needed attention.  They hang on tight these nasty little critters.

If You Love to Be Out in Nature, Arm Yourself With a Few Tools

Purchase this tick remover tool.  Cover your bare skin if you are hiking, especially your legs, and consider purchasing some tick repellents to give you that extra layer of protection. 

Remove the Tick to Help Prevent Disease 

Using the proper tools makes all the difference.  These tick removal tools are under 10 bucks online at the time of this writing, totally worth the investment to help you get the entire bug including the head and mouth off your skin without digging or pain.  A very simple design but it works much better than tweezers.

It is small enough to carry in your purse or knapsack, and should go with you everywhere.  You just never know when one of these will show up on your skin or your pets skin.

What to Do if You Find a Tick Biting Yourself or your Dog?

Use this tool to remove the entire tick and place the tick in a clean bottle or even a sandwich baggy or wrap in wet paper towel and take to the local health department in your town or go to a health clinic and show them the bite and the tick.  It can then be identified and tested to see if it has Lyme Disease.

If it does you will be given treatment for yourself or your dog.  My son was bitten by a tick a few years back and we made the mistake of trying to remove it with tweezers, we had to go to the medical clinic and get the rest dug out which is painful, and then a series of antibiotics.

If you suspect a tick bite but don't have the tick, seek medical attention.  The earlier this disease is caught the better.  We didn't see the bite on our dog right away, and symptoms of Lyme disease started, so check yourself, and your pets and be proactive.

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