How to Repurpose a Real Christmas Tree - Since You Missed the Local Pickup Date

 If you have been enjoying your real Christmas tree, all the decorations and the lights, and then noticed into January that the free pickup and recycle of the holiday tree just drove by....  do not despair! 

How to Repurpose that Christmas Tree for the Winter Months

You can take the tree yourself to parks and designated spots your local township offer for the free chipping and mulching, or you can do this....

1.  Find a sturdy large Flower Pot from the summer months still full of dirt and place your tree in this pot, or a large tote and fill with rocks..

(or failing that wire it to a fence to keep it from blowing away in your yard)

2.  Fill the branches with food the birds and squirrels will love.

3.  Now You have a yard ornament that will keep you entertained until the spring!

Homemade Bird Feeder Ideas

1.  Collect pine cones, and butter them with peanut butter, and then roll in bird seed and hang from the branches and watch the birds enjoy.  This one works really well at attracting birds.

2.  Hang slices of oranges with ribbon to add some color and feed the colorful birds.

3.  Create little feeders from milk cartons and hang in the tree.

Hopefully this has got you thinking....

Failing that you can also purchase affordable feeders online here:

You can make your own or purchase a few to add to your tree. By repurposing your Christmas tree you create places for the birds to hide in the branches and some much needed nourishment for the winter months.

In the spring you can compost the tree or cut it up and use the branches.  It is amazing just how fast the birds will find this instant tree full of food and entertain the family during these lockdown times.

Repurpose that Christmas Tree This Year and Help the Birds!

So if you missed the free pickup of trees or simply don't want to cram that tree back in the car and face all those needles again, and you have a yard, then give the above option a try.  

As long as you can secure the tree so it doesn't blow away you have instant entertainment for the entire winter months.  

Maybe this will become your new Christmas tradition!!

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