Homemade Dog Popsicle Frozen Treat for Those Hot Days

Easy and Nutritious Dog Popsicle

If you are feeling the heat and looking for a cold treat then you can imagine just how your furry doggy is feeling!

I came across this recipe and love it because you can change up ingredients depending on what you have on hand or your dog's preferences.


  • I x Cup Frozen Banana Bits or Slices  (slice that older banana instead of throwing it away and place in freezer in a bag to have ready for this recipe)

  • 1 x Cup Frozen Strawberry Slices

  • 2 x Tablespoons of Plain Greek Yogurt, or water if your pooch can't tolerate dairy.

  • Dog Biscuits for the Sticks.


Step 1 - Blend the bananas, strawberries and yogurt (or water) until the consistency of a smoothie.

Step 2 - Pour into Popsicle molds and freeze for at least 30 minutes.

Step 3 - Take out of freezer and add the biscuits to the center as sticks and refreeze again for overnight.  They will have the frozen treat and finish off with a biscuit.

If you Don't Have Popsicle Molds...

You can simple use your ice cube trays and make smaller versions or just the cubes and place in their bowl.


Warning, these can get messy, so make sure your pooch enjoys them outdoors in a shady spot.  It is nice to have these in the freezer for such days.

Some people feed their dogs their own ice cream treats, but dog's have to be careful with chocolate and sugar, so these more natural treats are sure to be enjoyed by your doggy.

Mix and Match Fruits to Your Dogs Tastes

If your dog doesn't like strawberries but likes blueberries, switch it up.  This recipe is so straightforward even us humans would enjoy this sans the dog biscuit unless you like those too!

Mix a Larger Batch for Your Dog and a Batch for Yourself

For the human version you could use chocolate fingers for the stick, or simply use Popsicle sticks.  This can be a fun and cool nutritious treat for everyone including the kids and super good for you with natural sweetness from the fruits!

Keep your dog comfortable this summer, with shade, cool treats and sunglasses to protect those eyes from aging.

Back Yard Water Feature on the Cheap No Wires

We had an old shed that was an eye sore that needed to be taken down in the back corner of our yard.

Once we got it down and had all the debris removed, we had plans of shrubs and gardens but the entire area under what was the floor was full of large tree roots.

The rest of the yard did not have this, I suppose because this was the back corner of the fenced yard, that the larger trees there had taken over the under side of the shed.  No way we could plant shrubs.

We made the decision to create a water feature using solar as we didn't want to run wiring.  This is just a tiny feature but it has attracted birds and sounds beautiful and I will add more potted plants to sit on the stones.

How we created this corner water feature!

Step 1 - clear away debris left from shed and turn over soil at fence line.

Step 2 - Dig a small impression, which is all we could do because of old tree roots.

Step 3 - Lay a square of pond liner in the impression, and then garden carpet for rest of area (to stop weeds)

Step 4 - Fill area with pretty stones from garden center (found a sale on these red ones but river stones would look nice too.)

Step 5 - Place little pump in impression and add more stones to secure the pump and hide the wire.

Step 6 - Place solar panel where it can catch sun rays.

Step 7 - Comes with a remote so you can switch on and off.

We purchased this solar fountain pump on Amazon, (check out the options below) There are different sizes. We just wanted a small one to add some interest.

Step 8 - Add some plants around it.  In our case we had a shady corner with no roots to interfere so added hostas and an older fountain that didn't work anymore, but will add air plants to the bowls for added interest.  I don't throw anything away!

Step 9 - Add water to fill impression.

The pump started working right away.  They are super modern now, with battery storage and everything so you can even use these fountains in the evening.

It keeps the water moving, and the birds super happy as they tend to bath in the shallow water.


Big birds thought the wire was something to take away like worms, so make sure you gently hide the wire under the stones!

Will add Potted Plants in Cute Recycled Pots as I Get them, to sit on the large area of stones.

This will become our little zen area.  So a ugly looking shed just gave us a little bit of extra yard for a zen garden.

With no need for power, you can have all kinds of fun designing your own zen area.  Garden weed barrier carpet is the answer for keeping weeds out of the stones.  Just spread it out where you will place the stones and then cover it.

It still allows rain to get through but no weeds to grow through it.  

We got everything online.

You could have just a tiny corner or a part of your garden to add some interest and water sounds.  Without the worries of where to put the wiring, you basically have a blank canvas when it comes to water features in the garden.

Create your own zen garden!

Obviously it all depends on how large or deep your water feature is to be.  We didn't want a pond just a simple nice sounding fountain and this was perfect for us.  We didn't have to wait for it to power on, it started right away!

Easy Homemade Hummingbird Food

I love hummingbirds, but where I live the season is short lived.  They show up beginning of June when all the flowers are coming out, and leave first week of September.

So while they are here I really like to enjoy them.

I have always made my own food for them.  As long as the feeder you choose is brightly colored, you do not need the red dye that is in the commercial products, and really it is super easy to make your own.  Much better for the little guys.

Hummingbird Food Recipe

  • 1/4 cup of white sugar (not icing sugar or brown, simple white granulated sugar)

  • 1 x Cup of Water  (I use kettle water or filtered water which has no chlorine)


Step 1 - Place the sugar in a small saucepan and then add the water, stir to mix.

Step 2 - Bring to a boil for 30 seconds.

Step 3 - Place lid on saucepan and set aside off the heat

Step 4 - Let Cool to room temperature.

Step 5 - Place in clean hummingbird feeder.

THAT IS IT! Much cheaper than store bought mix.

You can make double batches and keep one batch in the refrigerator if you wish, but I simply make and use it.

Place your hummingbird feeder either on a high feeder pole or planter hook and near some shrubs or trees where they can rest or escape and not feel exposed to predators.

There are some super cool hummingbird feeders online.  I decided this year to replace mine and add a couple more as they also add some decor to the yard.  There are some super attractive ones online.

Best Way to Attract Hummingbirds?

Is to place the feeder beside a hanging plant that is flowering with bright red or orange flowers.  They love those colors and this will attract them to your feeder.

I use a tall garden double hook and hang a flower basket in bloom from one hook and the feeder from the other.  I don't just place it in the center of the yard, I put it closer to shrubs or hiding spots but somewhere where I can still enjoy them.

While sitting on the patio they are a true wonder to watch.  

I hope I have inspired you to feed these little guys in your yard.  You will see them if you plant lots of flowers, but the feeder is a nice addition plus they act as garden decor.

Don't place this feeder with the regular bird feeders, they are put off by bigger birds.  Give them their own corner or spot where they can feed.  They burn energy fast, so as long as you keep your feeder filled with fresh food they will keep returning.

Replace the food twice a week in the hot weather otherwise one a week or when it is down will work too.

How to Clean the Feeder

I simply take it in the house and pull it apart in the sink and wash it all with super hot water.  I don't use any soap just hot water. 

You can use a bottle brush if yours gets a bit icky on the inside, but I have found as long as you replace with fresh food on a regular basis it doesn't get too icky.


How to Organize Your CAR Office

With many of us having to work at home, the car has also become a mobile office, and why not?

You can still self isolate, you can go thru a drive thru and get coffee, snacks or lunch, and then park just somewhere else rather than your driveway for a change of scenery!

As long as you have a good mobile connection for your calls, then why not?  I created a little bag of things that I need to keep in the car for those days when you "just have to get out".

Car Office Supplies (duplicate these from the house to keep solely in the car)

  • extra pens, pencils etc
  • spiral notepad
  • phone charger
  • ruler
  • clip board (makes a hard surface to write on)
  • napkins (coffee spills and snack crumbs!)

I also came across actual office desks that are designed for the car.  My favorite is the steering wheel tray!

These have become popular items
Amazon Car Desks and Office

You can get more extensive depending on the work you have to do.  If you normally head out to see clients or are on the road, these actual car desks sit on the passenger seat.

You can keep everything organized and your eyes on the road, instead of checking the seat to see your files slide off when you turn that corner.

Totally makes sense.

As I was browsing I saw that you can also get nice seat pockets to keep things safe and even ipad holders for vans and SUVs.

If you are constantly looking for pens, paper or anything to do with work, then getting organized would be a good start.

Start With the Basics

Start with the most necessary things and duplicate them to keep in the car.  Then slowly build.  It is nice to get out of the house and feel a bit normal.  Sometimes getting a coffee/tea and then parking in a park or even the parking lot to do some work feels like you are getting out.

Invest in some car office supplies, whether it is a simple knapsack or a car desk or tray!

Simple Shower Storage Idea - Shower Curtain Pockets

If you have a small bathroom, especially the shower/tub area and you also have shower products that need a home, check this out!

We have the usual caddy that sits in the shower stall, but it takes up too much room and always gets knocked over.  Plus it gets hard to clean around it.

I went looking for some ideas, and came across these super cool affordable shower curtains with pockets!

You can also get mesh hangers that hang on the same rod as the shower curtain if you prefer in addition to your present set up. 

I actually love the idea of the shower curtain with the pockets.  You could assign pockets to family members and this way the floor area or the sides of the tub do not fill up with bottles of products.

I got into a relatives shower at last visit and ended up kicking and almost slipping on all the bottles of shampoos, body washes, conditioners, razors etc that were on the shower floor.

Get Everything Off the Shower or Tub Floor

It can be a hazard and a super pain in the you know what, when it comes time to clean.  Now cleaning is a breeze!

Also, take this time to sort out those "almost empty and don't really use anymore" products and get rid of them.

Use the shower curtain rod to hang this curtain or those mesh pocket accessory hangers on the rod and you will be amazed at how much easier and organized things become without hanging anything off the shower head, corner of tub, or floor.

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 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...