Homemade Dog Popsicle Frozen Treat for Those Hot Days

Easy and Nutritious Dog Popsicle

If you are feeling the heat and looking for a cold treat then you can imagine just how your furry doggy is feeling!

I came across this recipe and love it because you can change up ingredients depending on what you have on hand or your dog's preferences.


  • I x Cup Frozen Banana Bits or Slices  (slice that older banana instead of throwing it away and place in freezer in a bag to have ready for this recipe)

  • 1 x Cup Frozen Strawberry Slices

  • 2 x Tablespoons of Plain Greek Yogurt, or water if your pooch can't tolerate dairy.

  • Dog Biscuits for the Sticks.


Step 1 - Blend the bananas, strawberries and yogurt (or water) until the consistency of a smoothie.

Step 2 - Pour into Popsicle molds and freeze for at least 30 minutes.

Step 3 - Take out of freezer and add the biscuits to the center as sticks and refreeze again for overnight.  They will have the frozen treat and finish off with a biscuit.

If you Don't Have Popsicle Molds...

You can simple use your ice cube trays and make smaller versions or just the cubes and place in their bowl.


Warning, these can get messy, so make sure your pooch enjoys them outdoors in a shady spot.  It is nice to have these in the freezer for such days.

Some people feed their dogs their own ice cream treats, but dog's have to be careful with chocolate and sugar, so these more natural treats are sure to be enjoyed by your doggy.

Mix and Match Fruits to Your Dogs Tastes

If your dog doesn't like strawberries but likes blueberries, switch it up.  This recipe is so straightforward even us humans would enjoy this sans the dog biscuit unless you like those too!

Mix a Larger Batch for Your Dog and a Batch for Yourself

For the human version you could use chocolate fingers for the stick, or simply use Popsicle sticks.  This can be a fun and cool nutritious treat for everyone including the kids and super good for you with natural sweetness from the fruits!

Keep your dog comfortable this summer, with shade, cool treats and sunglasses to protect those eyes from aging.

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