Paper Bag Floor - The Latest in Cheap DIY Flooring Ideas That Looks Awesome

Ok, so you have a room the dog decided was a great outhouse, or the cat or even the kids, and the carpet is done.

But once you lift that carpet... now what?  It is expensive to get more, you can't swing new hardwood or even laminate floor right now, so what are some super cool, cheap and good looking flooring alternatives?

Brown Paper Bag Flooring

Before you hit the back button, thinking I am crazy, check out this video.  I actually use this method for covering plain wood frames and art canvases for a different look.  It never occurred to me to use it on the floor!  You are not technically using paper bags, although you could.  It is more economical to use rolls of builders paper.

Yes this will take some time, but the money you save will pay for other things, so roll up your sleeves and get stuck in!  The biggest trick is to make sure all the staples from carpets are gone.  Make an imaginary grid and go up and down the room feeling for any staples or nails that need hammering in.

As with most projects, preparation is everything.

You can get all the supplies online as I couldn't find a large glue in the stores.

 I found a good supply on Amazon. The formula is 1/2 glue 1/2 water in a pail and mix.

You can find builders brown paper in most home improvement stores but online has a good price too!

This will feel like arts and crafts.  It is best to use a water based varnish to complete the project and you will need at least 4 coats.  But the water based dries quicker so you could get a few coats on in one day.  The water based doesn't have such a strong odor either.

Paper Bag Floor - Different Looks

As you can see in the video, the homeowners simply tore the paper into large mismatched pieces and glued them to the floor. 

I personally think this looks awesome especially after the varnish has been applied, but if you prefer a more organized look then you can also cut it into strips.

If you Don't Mind Spending Some Time on Prep.. You Can create Wood Grained Strips 

This is a bit more time consuming, but I also think it is another flooring alternative and a slight twist on the paper bag floor.  You are still using brown paper, but she cuts the roll of paper into strips to mimic hardwood floor planks.

She uses a wood plank and cuts out the strips from the roll of builder paper.  She then uses a wood grain tool and some stain to create faux wood strips from the paper.

Yes they will be wavy when you finish them, but not when they get glued to the floor.
Check out this video:

She cuts the strips of paper into plank widths, and then stains and uses the grain tool to add a faux looking grain.

 This takes a little more work, but you could employ many hands to make this less work.

Yes they will all look wavy as paper does when it has been wet and then dries, but if you watch her next video on how she installs them, it is super cool and quick.  Once the paper strips are coated in glue the wavy goes away.

Cheap Flooring Ideas

So, if you don't mind rolling up your sleeves, this can be the cheapest floor you have ever put down.

Once you have the coats of varnish on top, it gives the floor depth and it looks real.  The first method with the torn larger pieces, looks more like a marble floor or somewhat leathery and then of course the second method looks like a proper wood floor.

The varnishes you can get now are super tough.  It is recommended you don't put furniture on this surface for a week.  But that would be the same instruction you would get if you had a hardwood floor installed and varnished.

Once it has a good week to cure, it is tough. 

Down the road if you want to cover it with carpet or something else you can.  No need to strip it or remove it.  Chances are you won't bother, as it looks super cool.  A cheap way to cover a bad floor.

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