How to Make a Bow from Wrapping Paper - Reuse Leftover Paper and have Fun

Instead of throwing out those smaller bits of wrapping paper from Christmas, birthdays or whatever the occasion, why not make an awesome bow with paper?

You know those bits that are not enough to wrap a gift, so they tend to get tossed?  Keep them out of the garbage and check these bow making ideas out.

Check out the video below, and as I have made these, the only advice I have that the person doesn't mention is that you cut each strip of paper slightly shorter than the one before so that they fit well when making the 3D bow.

What you will Need:

Various squares of wrapping paper, and some clear tape.

How to Make Bows out of Wrapping Paper

This is an awesome way to use of wrapping paper.  Make sure to save your smaller pieces of Christmas paper for next season so you can adorn your gifts with these homemade paper bows.

I had no idea how easy they were to make, and I was always buying them for my gifts at birthdays and the holidays.

If you love this idea of making bows from leftover wrapping paper or even magazine pages, and want something a little bit more 3D, then check out the video below for a bit more intricate craft of making bows.  These ones have that spiky look and add a lot of interest to your gift.  They could also be strung up to use as tree decorations at the holidays.

These are really cool using not only leftover wrapping paper but magazine pages too.  What an awesome way to re-purpose paper.

So, next time you are purchasing paper, don't get the bows!  They are expensive and you can make your very own.

How to Make Bows from Ribbon

If you say "hey yes this is fun, but I also have lots of leftover ribbon", then check out this bow maker you can get online for making super awesome ribbon bows.

There has been a lot of good reviews for this tool. If you want to make a lot of bows, this tool would help to speed it up.

If you are in reduce, reuse, recycle mode, then even consider leftover strips of fabrics to create these one of a kind bows to add to your gifts.

So there you have it... 3 ways to make a bow from wrapping paper, magazine pages or ribbon.

Don't throw those smaller pieces of wrapping paper out.  Save them, even flatten them if they are the discarded pieces from gift opening and place them between heavy books to flatten them out.

Save them in a drawer or an envelope and you are ready to quickly put some bows together.

Have fun!

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