Upcycle Magazines into Wall Decor or Bead Door Curtains

I love recycling or being able to "upcycle" anything, especially magazines!

With most people around the world stuck at home as most business closed due to the Pandemic, it can be hard to come up with things for kids to do, but especially "tweens".

With their socializing totally limited to family members, I thought this would be the perfect craft to use leftover magazines, and create some artwork or even retro bead door curtains!

Crafting is also a wonderful way to curb some anxiety that we are all having in these difficult times.  Check out the video by Artzi Crafts, to get the idea, but don't stop at bead curtains!!   Get creative.

I love the pattern she created, but I also think going random would work nicely too.

Re-purpose an Old Picture Frame with Magazine Beads

If you don't want to go quite as large as the bead curtains, another idea is to take a old wooden picture frame, paint it and then simply hang the magazine/beads from it to create awesome wall art!

Tweens/teens, could decorate their rooms, and create gifts for their friends for when we are allowed to go outside again.

We are living through scary times, and the news is everywhere, which is good for keeping us informed, but sometimes it is also good to do some crafting to take your mind off of things and spend time with your family.

If you don't have everything, you can get creative, but you can also order some things online with places such as AMAZON and have craft supplies delivered to your door.

Now is the Time To Try New Crafts

Maybe you were super busy before and just never got around to trying some of the upcycling craft ideas out there.

Now is the time...  if you like this craft, find some old magazines and get started!  Create some art for your walls and keep the magazines out of the landfill.

Hang a Picture Wire Across a Wall

You could also simply hang a picture wire across a wall and hang this bead strings onto the wire.  This would make super cool wall decor (without damage) and/or cover a bad or ugly wall!

Search Your Home for Craft Supplies

 It is actually amazing, what you probably do have in your home when it comes to supplies.  But if you don't have everything, check online and don't go out there, let it be delivered to your door.

I hope this post has inspired you to get those well read magazines out of the basement and put them to work.  Upcycling can be fun, and there are so many ways to use them now.

Lets Get Crafting and Upcycling!

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