How to Organize the Car Trunk for the Summer - Be Ready for Last Minute Fun!

I decided this year I was going to get my car trunk organized.  

Not just clean it, but also make sure to have items that can help with spare of the moment side trips especially in the summer months.

We Love Last Minute Road Trips

My family love to go on drives.  We get a coffee to go and we explore parks and places we have not been in a long time, and possibly a hike or two.  We simply do not start with a schedule.

Last year, it got super hot and my son wanted to jump in a lake we came upon, but realized we had nothing for this type of spare of the moment side trip!  We got creative, but it would have been nice to have some supplies.

So if you want to get your car trunk organized, get started today.

Step 1 - Pick a nice day and take everything out of the trunk. 

Step 2 - Vacuum and clean stains if possible.

Step 3 - Decide the types of activities your family does even spare of the moment and carry spares or invest in a second set (totally worth it!).

 Here are some Activity Ideas to be Prepared For:

Swim Bag - spare towels, spare bathing suit, flip flops, sunscreen. (you never know when the moment may arise or you come across an inviting lake)  Try and fill with supplies that you can leave in the car, maybe that bathing suit that is not your favorite but would do in a pinch. (once you wash and dry put right back in the car)

Doggy Bag - extra towels for your dog especially if you let him swim or hike in mud, plus anything else he might need such as his own water bottle.

Old Blanket - to spread out on beach or grass to enjoy the day or for keeping warm in the car if necessary.

Sport/Toy Bag - A Frisbee is a good start or something similar for playing or taking a break.

Basic Car Supplies - flashlight, paper towels, wet wipes, map book etc.

The Dollar store or Online is Your Best Friend for Storage Supplies

Simply find some zippered bags or baskets and fill them with your supplies and place in the car.  You can keep them in place with trunk dividers or a bungee cord.

Or you can get trunk organizers that have compartments and stay in place for under 30 bucks such as the one pictured.

Having separate bags or bins for each activity makes it easier to find in a hurry.

Keep everything stocked and clean and this way when that spare of the moment event happens you are pretty much prepared.  With us it was the swimming.  We had not planned to swim, but having a few spare items in the trunk made it so we could.

Winter Supplies

When you change out your trunk from winter to summer, purchase a bin just for the scrapers etc, and keep them in your shed or basement so that when that time of years rolls around you are not scrambling to find your scrapper.

Simply plop the bin back in the trunk and take the summer ones out for next year.  This way they are easy to store in your home.

Small Dog Carrier Sling - Take Your Fur Babies Everywhere for Under 30 Bucks

Take Your Fur Babies With You!

I took my dog to the dog park and saw this gentleman scoop up his small dog and simply place him in a carrier sling and walked home after fun time.

I have seen backpacks that look awkward but this sling idea looked comfy for the dog and the guy.

Obviously small dogs cannot walk as far as you can, and after a romp in the park they are tired.  He was equipped with a portable water dish, and was wearing this sling that I didn't notice right away until it expanded with his dog in it.

It seems like such a simple way to carry your pets.  It is placed across your body instead of on your back and is totally washable.  This doesn't put as much pressure on your back and this way you can actually see your pet and touch him.

This works best for cats or dogs up to 15 pounds.  This is an awesome way to leave the car at home and simply walk to the park.  You get the exercise and so does he for under 30 bucks!

If you have tinier pets....

Carrier for Pets Up to 12 Pounds

As you can see in the pictures you can even take them for a bike ride with these carriers.  Now you can take your tiny little guy out for some fresh air, walking, hiking and whatever you want to do and spend time with him/her together.

I just think this style of carrier is easier on the body then the full form ones that fit on your back or the ones that look like baby carriers with the dog not in the most comfy position.  The dogs look happy in these.

...Or Make Your Own Carrier Sling

The first two slings are the best rated right now online, and are 30 bucks or less, but you can also make your own if you prefer.

Either way, creating a way to take your pet with you outdoors will create bonding time and enjoyment for both of you.

Hide a Cat Litter Box - 5 Ways in Small Spaces to Live with a Cat

If you have downsized or simply have a small space by choice and also have an indoor cat or two, then sharing "facilities" can be difficult.

No one wants to see a used litter box especially first thing in the morning, so by hiding them, you not only give them privacy but you also stop the spread of litter and seeing it!

Using Cat Litter Box Furniture and Props Utilizes Space in the Best Possible Way!

1.  Bench

This bench can be used anywhere in the house, at the foyer, the entrance, the bathroom or even a bedroom.  It can be used to sit on and put your shoes on or whatever you want and the cat goes in the end.

2.  End Table

This end table simply fits in with the living room decor and your cat can still have privacy.  This counts as useful and a good use of space.

3.  Plant Pot

Add some whimsy and a green faux plant to your decor with a cat litter box in the pot base.  I thought this was a cute way to hide one especially in a small living room.

This is a lovely piece of furniture but it is totally equipped to house all of kitty's needs.  The litter box is in the bottom and when you open the cabinet doors there is a drawer that can hold all of the cat food and supplies.

You could feed your kitty on top of this furniture or use it as part of your house decor.

5.  Kitty Passage

If you don't like the idea of cat litter box furniture, then another option is to utilize a closet.  Add a kitty passage to the door so that your cat can come and go as he pleases without having to leave the door open.

This would also double as a way to eat his/her food without disruptions from a dog or other pets.  Many cats like to eat in private too.

This is an awesome way to have your indoor cat, and make both of you happy.  I love my 3 cats, but the only space right now I can place a box is in the hallway and I get to see it first thing in the morning, or stand in the gritty litter that has gone flying around.

So, I have been researching the above options, and I personally like the plant pot as I don't have much room for end tables or benches.  I also love the kitty passage as a way to feed them in a utility closet so that the dog doesn't eat their food!

Yes I have a zoo in my small space, so you have to get creative when it comes to living together in harmony!

Cat food or litter is not good for dogs, so hiding it stops the constant monitoring and is better for the health of your cats and dogs.

Cats Love Privacy

Most cats do not like to do their business in heavy traffic areas, but sometimes there is no choice other then in the middle of the kitchen or living areas, or even worse, the bathroom.  So investing or building your own cat furniture to hide the litter box just creates calm in the household!

How to Clean a Plastic Shower Curtain - Stop Throwing Them Away

Plastic shower curtains can become a magnet for soap scum, shampoo residue and then mildew.  But instead of replacing them, you can clean them.  Check this out!

Step 1 - Take down the curtain off the hooks

Step 2 - Place in your washing machine with 2 big bath towels (preferably used and ready for the wash so that you can two jobs done in one!)

Step 3 - Using warm and gentle setting, wash your towels and curtain together using your regular detergent.

Step 4 - Take the curtain out after the cycles are done.

Step 5 - Hang Back up in the Bathroom to drip dry into the tub.

Step 6 - Dry the towels in the dryer.  You now have a clean curtain and towels!

I was actually quite amazed at how easy this was.  I didn't think the plastic shower curtain would be able to go in the machine, but the trick is the towels.

The towels stop it from basically gluing itself to the sides of the machine and help to actually tumble and scrub the curtain clean.  As long as you keep the setting on warm and have added the towels this works!

Prevention is Also the Key

Now that you have given the shower curtain a new lease on life and saved yourself a couple of bucks, hopefully all the nasty stuff is gone, trying to prevent this goes a long way.

Use a Shower Spray

You keep a bottle of this in the shower area, so that when you are done, you simply give the curtain and shower area a quick spray with this natural cleaner.

This will prevent the buildup between cleaning sessions not only on the curtain but on the rest of the tub and shower area too.  This makes cleaning day a whole lot easier.

Keep the Plastic Out of the Landfill

This is one way you can do your part to keep these out of the landfills and dumps.  Instead of replacing the plastic shower curtains, try washing them.  It really doesn't take much extra time to throw them in the wash with a couple of towels you just used after your own shower.

Don't Put in the Dryer

Plastic can take the heat of your hot shower but not the dryer.  The towels can go in the dryer but that is it.

I personally love the clear plastic curtains with bold designs on them, but after a few months the clear part is not so clear.  This method works!

Five Best Cat Shelves for Apartment Renters

If you rent an apartment and have cats, it can be an issue when it comes to exercise and shelves that don't take up space and don't cause any damage.

I have found five super cool ways to make kitty happy without using too much space or any DIY damage.

1.  Over the Door Kitty Condo

This will use the vertical door space instead of the floor.  Perfect for small spaces and apartments where you don't want to cause any damage, but at the same time make kitty happy!

2.  Window Shelves

3.  Cat Hammock Window Perch

When you are renting an apartment or a house and space is limited and you are not to do any DIY or cause damage or holes, it can be hard to give your cat his climbing things.  

Many of the stand alone cat trees are fine but they take up a lot of floor space and if you are sharing a small space with one or more cats, you have to get creative.

Using the face of the doors or the windows or a spring loaded one that reaches from the floor to the ceiling is likely your best way to cure the urge to climb.

Indoor Cats Need to Climb

Most cats have an urge to climb, stretch and pick with their nails, so you need to give them something otherwise your curtains and your couch will become substitutes.  

Indoor cats need exercise and play time and love to nap above everyone, so giving them their own window shelf or a cubby over the door is an awesome idea.  This also uses the vertical space that won't get in your way.

The Window Perches use super strong suction cups and some can hold up to 80 pounds.  These are an awesome way for kitty to watch things outside.  They are easy to remove when you move and you will only have to clean up a smudge.

Five Last Minute Mothers Day Gift Ideas

So it is the day before or even the special day itself, and well.. you have been so busy and just didn't get around to finding something nice for Mothers Day. 

Don't beat yourself up...

Here are 5 last minute Gift Ideas that hopefully get you thinking about what to give that special woman in your life.

1.  Printable Artwork

There are many online sources for this but ETSY has by far the most to choose from.  This particular shop has 5x7 and 8x10 artwork that you can purchase and instantly print.  Lots of folk art, country, and some abstract artwork to choose from and instantly print.

Check it out Art Printables by Diane.

Simply pick something you like, purchase it, instantly download it to your computer and either print it on your own printer or save to a USB stick and take to Walmart and have it printed in an hour. 

Find a frame while you are waiting and you are done.

2.  Word Art Printables

If you Mom is more into inspirational quotes and sayings than artwork, then here is another source of something you can print right away. Check it out Good Vibes Word Art

These you can print right away in your own printer since they are mostly black and white word art at 8x10.  If time is super limited this might be a better option.  You can then frame it or not.

3.  Online Gift Card

Amazon is one place that offers online gift cards so that your Mom can go shopping for herself.  You could print something and decorate it and give it to her.  If she likes to shop online this is a good offer.  Many book stores offer the same idea too.  But Amazon pretty much sells everything including the kitchen sink!

4.  Homemade Gift Basket

Before you panic, this is easier than you think.  If you have an hour at least, head to the dollar tree or store and find a large plastic bowl and some clear cellophane (for wrapping to look pro). They sell this near the wrapping papers.

Now head to the grocery store and find all the goodies you know you Mom would like but not likely buy for herself.  Such as special foods, chocolates, coffees, tea and fruits etc.  Even toss in a favorite magazine.

Sit the bowl in the center of a large piece of cellophane and then fill the bowl with the goodies and then bring up the sides of the cellophane and crumple together at the top and wrap with an elastic band.

Find a bit of ribbon or wool or and tie a bow over the elastic band.  This is a beautiful personalized gift basket just for Mom.

5.  Movie Tickets

Head to the nearest movie theater and get gift cards for the theater for you and your Mom, place in a card and when she opens it, she will see that you are offering to go to the movies with her for a gift.  She gets to pick the movie.

Last Minute Mothers Day Gifts Do Not Have to Look Rushed

Hopefully the above 5 ideas have got your creative juices flowing.  Now you can relax and give your Mom her special gift.  She doesn't need to know that it was a last minute thing!


DIY Sneaker Cleaner - Works on Grass Stains

With spring and then summer upon us, it is time to haul out the sneakers and put away the boots.

But if last years grass stains are still lurking on your sneakers along with other questionable stains, then check out this DIY.

What you Will Need:

  • White Vinegar
  • Water
  • Wash Cloth
  • Toothbrush (dollar store)
  • Time to Dry


The toothbrush is your best friend when it comes to getting into all the little crevices.  It is amazing just where the dirt gets too.

Obviously brush off as much excess dirt as you can, and then set yourself up with 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water.

Step 1 - Dip the toothbrush in the solution or pour a bit directly on your sneaker and then taking the toothbrush and scrub in circular motion.

Step 2 - Alternate with the wash cloth also dipped in the vinegar solution.

Step 3 - Once you are satisfied with the stain removal, then go over the entire shoe with a damp wash cloth that was dipped in water only.

Step 4 - Let dry naturally or place in the dryer for a few minutes.

You don't want to soak the entire shoe, especially if you want to wear them fairly soon.  The above method is pretty good at getting out mud and grass stains.

If The Vinegar Didn't Work and You Have White Sneakers

White Toothpaste is your answer

This only works well on white sneakers.  It will fade colored ones, so if you have white ones and they are pretty dirty...

Step 1 - Put toothpaste on a toothbrush and rub into the white areas in a circular motion.

Step 2 - Wipe with a damp wash cloth

Step 3 - Let Dry

Not a DIY Fan?  Check these products out...

Sneakers are expensive, so it is worth the effort to keep them clean.

I usually have separate shoes for cutting the lawn but sometimes I forget and running shoes are like magnets for grass stains.

If you prefer not to get into a DIY, then you can get quality sneaker cleaners online with Amazon as above.

Shoe Laces

If the stains migrated from the running shoe to the laces and especially if they were white, then take them out of the shoes and wash by hand in the sink with dish soap and warm water.

Rinse and let dry.

Before you know it your sneakers are as good as new.

How to Make Zucchini Noodles Fast - Create Veggie Pasta for a Healthy Meal

If you are trying to follow a low carb, keto, paleo or gluten free diet, or simply want a change from regular flour based pasta, then try zucchini noodles.

Once you include them in your favorite recipe you really won't notice the flour missing.  It is nice to have alternatives and yet enjoy the dishes you always loved.

Check out this video for the quickest ways to create them.

All you really need to give this a try is a vegetable peeler or a box grater.  You don't have to own any fancy equipment especially if you are just wanting to try it out.

I personally find these noodles are perfect for taking the place of not only pasta but rice, especially in those stir frys.

So if you have been told to follow a low carb diet, or you simply want to lose a few pounds and eat more veggies at the same time, then stock up on some zucchini or grow them yourself.  They are such a versatile veggie and affordable in the grocery store.

Zucchini Pasta

Super easy!

1.  Simply create the noodles (follow the above video) and I like to roll them in a paper towel to get out the excess moisture.  Zucchinis tend to be on the wet side, so this stops them from going mushy.

2.  Heat a pan and add a bit of oil and then the noodles

3.  Stir fry and stir around for 3-5 minutes until tender.

4.  Add your favorite tomato sauce, meatballs or just Parmesan cheese.

That is it!

Super tasty.  You won't even miss the regular noodles if you put your favorite toppings on, or you can use these in a quick stir fry and skip the rice.


create the noodles, stir fry for a few minutes then add cooked chicken and beans and bit of broth and dinner is ready.

If you like the idea of the mandolin as in the video, you can get those online:

This is a great tool for slicing any veggie.

Or if you prefer them to look super fancy and cute, you can also get what is called a spiralizer, which can take any number of veggies (such as carrots and zucchini) and turn them into colorful noodles that look awesome on a plate.

Keto - Paleo - Gluten Free Diets If you are seriously trying to eat healthy whether to lose weight or simply feel better, then it doesn't hurt to invest in the right equipment to make life easier.

 As you can see by the above spirolizer, it can grate any veggie and make it a good looking addition to any meal, such as carrots, beats, cabbage, zucchini and more.

Perfect for salads as well as main meal recipes.

Zucchini Noodles Taste Awesome As Lasagna Too!

I made this one not long ago and it was awesome.

TIP:  Slice into wider noodles.  Place on a paper towel or tea towel and place another on top and press to get rid of any excess moisture, or pre-bake in oven for a few minutes to dry them out a bit.  I found the towels worked fine.

Then create the recipe as you normally would and bake it.  Your body won't miss the wheat or the carbohydrates that regular noodles have.  If you can't eat flour then using veggies as a substitute means you can still enjoy some of your favorite foods and recipes!

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...