How to Make Brewed Coffee Less Bitter

 If you love brewed filtered coffee, but some brands just seem to have a bitter taste?  Try this old fashioned trick to mellow out that brew and start your morning off right.

This life hack will even take that pound of coffee you got on sale and turn it into a decent cup of joe!!

What you will Need:

Egg shells


Coffee Maker (type that uses paper filters)

ground coffee



After your next batch of eggs, don't throw out those shells.  

Step 1:  Take the egg shells and place in a bowl of water with some added vinegar and give them a little wash and then rinse.

Step 2:  Place on a paper towel to dry.

Step 3:  Prep your coffee maker as per usual with filter, water and coffee grounds.

Step 4:  Crush the dried egg shells of one or two eggs and place on top of the ground coffee.

Step 5:  ENJOY!

The eggshells are alkaline which neutralizes some of the coffee acidity that tends to make it bitter.

This way you can purchase some of the cheaper brands and still enjoy a mellow cup of coffee to start off your day right!

Maybe it is time for a new coffee maker?  Especially if the water runs through yours very slowly.

You can get all kinds of models online. Some will help to make your coffee taste much better. But if you can't swing a new one right now, keep and wash those egg shells!!

Homemade Nail Polish Remover DIY

 With this pandemic going on, we do have to get creative with some of our personal care.  

If you have been doing your own nails/pedicures then you know just how stinky and toxic that nail polish remover can be.

I found this recipe, and it really does work!  So if you find yourself wanting to work on your personal grooming ie: nails! ... and you don't have any remover at home, or don't want to use harsh chemicals...  Check this idea out.

What you Will Need:

Lemon juice (the stuff in the bottle works well too)

white vinegar

cotton balls 


1.  Mix equal parts of lemon juice with white vinegar.  

2.  Soak some cotton balls in the mixture.

3.  Then press a cotton ball soaked in the mixture against your nails and hold it for at least 30 seconds.

You will see that the mixture has begun to dissolve your polish.

That is It!!!!!

It does work.  It does take slightly longer, but you get the same result without the harsh chemicals.

If this is not your idea of fun, you can also purchase complete nail care packages online.

Have fun and spend some time and effort on yourself. Doing your nails or a pedicure can make you feel like a million bucks! Take care and stay safe!

How to Clean Yellowed Pillows

 When changing my bedding, I started to notice the "yellowing" on my pillows when I took off the pillow cases. It turns out it is ...