I am the proud owner of 3 adorable cats. Ages 14 down to 1 years old.
As any cat owner will tell you, they each have their very own unique personality, but they do have one thing in common.. The need to burn off some steam!
Even my ancient cat likes to bat her toy mice around every once in a while.
Are you Trying to Keep Your Indoor/Outdoor Cats Inside this Winter?
The lifespan of a cat is chopped in half if not more if they are allowed to wander the streets no matter where you live, especially at night. Wildlife, cars and other dangers are always lurking. But just how do you keep your kitties inside? Give them something to do!
Cats are curious creatures, and they love to check out new areas and shelves. By offering them cat trees and condos, you give them something to do besides ruining your furniture or whining at the door.
If you cats are older and simply want a neat place to nap away that cold night, then a simple yet unique cat tree furniture will fit in with your decor.
For younger kitties, you will need to go with something more proactive that keeps them engaged such as the one below.

This one has places to hide and play with the other cats. You can add toys and fun things for them to do.
If you are a One Cat Owner - Consider a Second Cat to Keep First Cat Busy!

I know this may sound like more work, but having a second kitty gives the first cat someone to play with and to keep them company if you are out all day and someone to snuggle with at night.
Having 2 cats was the best thing I ever did. When we first had our one kitty, he constantly tore at the furniture and scratched everything in sight. When it was suggested to us to get a second kitty we thought they were nuts, but I have to tell you this idea works!
Yes its double trouble, but an amazing thing happened. Once I invested in a cat tree and a few toys, my furniture was saved and so were my arms!. The second cat actually got my older cat moving and losing weight and super happy again and no longer pining at the door to go out.
Cat Tree Furniture Under 100 Dollars!
If you love the idea of a cat tree or cat play structure, but find them a bit pricey... I found this one below for under 100 bucks! It gives them lots to do and climb and hang from.

You can get this one in 9 different styles depending on your budget.
Place These cat climbing tower in the most popular rooms you are in. Cats may seem independent and aloof, but in reality, they like to spend time in the same rooms you do. If you are concerned about the look of them matching your living room or family room decor, then search for ones that are a bit more designer!
Our old cat tree was so beaten up I didn't want to put it in the living room. But I have seen discovered there are many nice looking pieces of cat tree furniture on the market so that they fit in much better.
Keep Cats Busy to Keep them Inside
This is the goal to keeping cats indoors. If you give them lots to do or to check out, it will be easier to get them out of the habit of going out. Our one kitty was feral when we first found him and slowly became tame and spends a lot of time indoors and plays, but still, at night meows at the door to go out.
If you can distract them with toys, cat climbing towers, scratching posts, interactive toys and more, you can slowly get them out of the habit of going out, especially at night.
Interactive Cat Toy - If No Room for Cat Trees
Keeping them mental stimulated and active is the key to keeping your cat or cats happy and more interested in staying indoors.

This is a treat maze, they have to find their little treats and it can keep them busy for hours. Tons of
happy reviews for this product.
Between a cat climbing tower, a few toy mice, and this interactive Cat toy, your kitties can be kept mentally stimulated and active for hours without stressing you or your furniture. This is especially important if you have them in while at work all day, and also want them to stay in at night.
Keep them busy during the day and they will be quite tired at night. Our cat used to wake us up about 5am, but has stopped that since we have mentally stimulated him more with activities.
If You Simply Do Not Have Floor Space for a Cat Tree..... Check this Out!

As I searched for different and unique cat climbing towers and cat condos, I came across this super cool way to give those curtain climbers something to do!
Don't be surprised if you come home one day and they are way up high on the wall watching the world go by.
Living Art at its Best!!
If you simply do not have the floor space for a kitty tower, then using the wall space for your cats instead of picture frames would definitely make a conversation piece in a living room!

I really think this is a super cool idea for anyone that has a blank wall they don't mind creating into Cat Art!
Keep Your Cats Mentally Stimulated

Give them fun things to do and fun places to nap and your cats should be happy kitties when you get home or when you wake up.
This is my plan for my former feral cat Moo (
check out his story here)
Enjoy your kitties they are such fun pets. I ended up with 3, so keeping them stimulated keeps my furniture and my arms in one piece!
Kitty Wall Shelf and Feeding Station
I am actually quite enjoying the idea of wall shelving to keep my kitties busy. Since we downsized, I don't have as much floor space, but I have plenty of wall space, and these are an affordable way to keep my cats busy.