How to Stop Eye Glasses From Fogging While Wearing a Mask

Wearing a mask gives us all that extra layer of protection from illness, but if you are a glasses wearer like me, they get fogged up and I end up taking the mask off.

I found a few ideas for stopping this but the one that worked the best for me and was the quickest was this:

Place a folded into 4s (fold in half then again) tissue on the bridge of your noise and then put on your mask.

There are many other suggestions on the internet, but so far of the ones I have tried, this is the best and simplest way to get rid of the fogging, so that you don't end up taking off your mask.

The tissue blocks the air from rising under your glasses.  This is super important because if you wear glasses and they fog, you could end up in trouble for not seeing properly.

(I almost fell off a curb at the grocery store!)

What Happens if you don't have access to a tissue??

Take your mask and fold the top part down then place on your face.  This will create a barrier.  I found it sort of works, but really the tissue is the best option.

So make sure you have tissues in your pocket and you will be fine.

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