Outdoor Cat Tunnel - Keep Your Cats Happy and Safe!

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Outdoor Cat Tunnel System

I am the owner of 3 cats.  One totally indoor cat, one that comes and goes and one feral cat that lives outside.  We live in a small subdivision and I really want to be a responsible cat neighbour and stop my cats from digging up neighbours yards and eating the birds I feed.

In a hurry??  Check out this full page of 
outdoor cat tunnels for more ideas.

But at the same time, I want them to enjoy outdoors and get some fresh air.  Since cats love tunnels and napping,

I have been doing research on different ways to create large outdoor cat enclosures, that don't take up too much room and don't break the bank, but decided that I needed a way for my kitties to come and go as they please, so I thought a tunnel would be perfect from a cat door.

If you look on You Tube you can get into some pretty technical and well built tunnels that any kitty would love, but if like me, you don't want to completely change your backyard, and nothing permanent,  then getting something online might be a good start especially if you don't want to invest too much money just yet.

Older cats simply love to lay outdoors so they are easier to entertain once they get used to a enclosure, but the kitties need lots of stimulation so you will need to add toys and hanging things for them to play with.

ABO Gear Kitty Compound Cat Play House

Outdoor Cat Tunnel and Tent on the Cheap

I figure anything I can get for under 100 dollars is a good deal.  As much as I would love to create a huge outdoor playground for my kitties, I thought this setup would work well with the tunnel, which you could place near a cat door so they can come and go obviously in the nicer weather, and keep the tent in the shade as best you can or cover with a sheet to keep hot sun off or place on your covered deck or porch.

Or Just Purchase the Tunnels and Join a Few together

ABO Gear Fun Run

Although the end of this tunnel has a zippered screen, I figured you could open it and attach a few of these tunnels together with plastic twist ties so they can have a long cat tunnel to play in.  Just an idea.

You could have it go around the yard for fun.

Cat Enclosure Tent

You can also just purchase the tent alone, if you are looking for a place for them to relax.   This would be great for older cats that simply love to laze around you could even add kitty hammocks for fun.  But since cats love tunnels, I thought getting the two together and maybe a few more tunnels would be awesome fun for the kitties.

ABO Gear Happy Habitat for Indoor Cats

As you can see in the picture, this would be a great way to bring your cats camping.  You can keep them safe while you sit and enjoy the day whether visiting, at the cottage, camping or in your backyard.  This will keep your neighbours happy since cats love to dig in fresh overturned dirt and flower gardens!

Cat Enclosure Tent or Tunnels or Both

It all depends on your cat or cats and their personality.  Adding the tunnels in my opinion gives them something to do and play in.  They love to hide and sneak up on things.

Add a Cat Hammock 

Best cat hammocks for sale I found online.  This one can definitely be hooked inside a cat enclosure or tent.  Cats love to nap, so if you are adding tunnels, then also add a play room or tent for them to take their nap in after a day of outdoor fun in safety.  Not a fan of this one?  Check out this full page for more ideas to cradle your kitty in comfort

Add Toys or a Place to Snuggle such as with a Cat Tree

You could simply put their favourite beds out in this cat enclosure for them to enjoy sleepy time, or you could add a cat tree.  Not too tall as it needs to fit in this tent.   The two younger cats I own would love to run in a few tunnels attached together, where as my older cat would simply head for the tent and use the bed or tree.  You know your cats better than anyone!

TRIXIE Pet Products Baza Cat Tree

You could really turn this outdoor cat tunnel and tent into a play ground depending on your budget.  If you could also rig up some kind of shelter they could still play outside on rainy days.

You don't have to go nuts creating a safe outdoor space for your indoor cats.  Just give them things to burn off energy, such as toys, and the tunnels, and then a soft place to curl up and enjoy the outdoors.

If you are really watching your budget, I also found a diy outdoor cat tunnel on You Tube, check it out below:

DIY Outdoor Cat Tunnel

This video shows you how to create your very own cat tunnels with simply supplies.  He built his for 5 bucks!.

Using an outdoor cat tunnel system and tent will make life easier for you too, as you will no longer have to worry where they are and getting them in at night.  As I did research I also found many people installed cat doors or used windows for the cats to come and go as they please which would make life easier for sure, but you don't have to go that far, just having a outdoor playground that is safe will keep your cats happy.

You can also check out my post on Large Outdoor Cat Enclosures to see other ideas, especially if you want something more permanent.

So for all you cat lovers out there, I hope I have inspired you to keep your birds safe and your neighbours happy!

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