How to Camp in Your Car This Summer

 As someone who is not a big fan of sleeping on the ground in the wilds, with just a thin layer of tent fabric between me and the nighttime critters, I thought it was time to compromise and check out what is involved with this "car camping"

I was pleasantly surprised to find you can spend very little or a lot depending on the level of comfort you are going for.  The first thing I noticed and thought was an awesome idea, was:

Car Window Screens

This is an awesome idea!  You can simply park, lock your doors, recline your seat and have you window open a bit to let in the air without the bugs.  

Car Air Mattress

 If you want to take things a step further, you can get these cool back seat air mattresses that fit most cars. Once you cover the foot well in the back it is amazing just how much room there is. It is almost a double bed!

If you prefer to stretch out for the night, then these air mattresses will give you the comfort plus the security of your car that you can lock and be off the ground and safe from most nighttime critters!

Battery Operated Light/Fan and Miniature Camp Stove

Some additional comforts would be a portable battery operated fan and light to help move the air on those hot summer nights as well as the light if needed.

A portable tiny camp stove will help make that much needed coffee in the morning without taking up a lot of room.

I found the easiest way to figure out the things you might need for this type of car camping, is to visualize each step of your night and morning.

All of the above items, deflate/fold/store easily in the car.  

You could outfit your car for under 100 dollars.  There will not be any tents to take down in the morning, just simply drive away.

I love the idea of air moving without bugs, and a bit more protections from the outdoors!  Yes many will call my a wimp but this works for me!

Portable Toilet for the Dark Nights

If you are car camping near decent portable toilets, then that is super cool, but if not, and you are scared to venture to far from the car especially in the night, you can get portable toilets.  

No one likes to talk about that part of the camping experience, but there it is.  You can venture out into the bushes at night, or you could check out one of these sanitary ways to "go"

Hopefully the above ideas, will get those creative juices flowing, especially if you are looking for cheaper ways to travel this summer.

Everything is more expensive now, and if you can trade off a few nights camping in the car instead of nights in a hotel, this can stretch the vacation budget.

You can still rent camping spots and have bonfires and fun, without the hassle of setting up a tent and dealing with security and bug bites.

Enjoy the summer everyone!

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