Wet Cell Phone - Don't Use Rice - Do This Instead!

 It is hard not to take it personally, when your cell phone takes a nose dive into the only puddle in the parking lot!

But when it does, it is amazing how fast we move to rescue it!  After all, most of our life is now carried on our cell phones, at least mine is anyways!

So what do you do?  

I heard you put it into a bowl of dry rice, but I have been told differently by an expert on just how you should dry out your phone and rice is the LAST resort, due to the dust that gets into the phone to cause other problems.


You know those little packs you get in those new shoe boxes, vitamins and other products that could get damp?  Save them.  Have a jar or baggie just for those silica gel packs, they can save your phone's life.

Steps to Take 

Step 1 - After rescue from water, TURN OFF YOUR PHONE!!.. try to resist poking around to see how it is.

Step 2 - Dry off as much water as you can with clean cloth, paper towel, or whatever you have handy at the moment, until you get home.

Step 3 - Take it out of it's case if you have one, and open the phone and take the sim card out, and lay everything out on a clean absorbent surface when you get home or back to the office.

Step 4 - Place silica gel packs into a bowl and then place your phone gently in the packs so they can get to work absorbing moisture which is exactly what they are designed for.

Step 5 - Leave you sim card to air dry.

Step 6 - Leave your phone for at least 24 hours, try to resist poking at it.

Step 7 - After 24 hours and frantically using a friend's cell phone to call your frequent contacts and family so they no you are not dead and are safe since you didn't answer them... put your phone back together.

Step 8 - Turn it on with fingers crossed.

So far so good!

Someone needs to invent waterproof cell phones, they would make a fortune!!

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