Make Losing Weight and Getting Healthy a Little Easier with this Idea

Well its the New Year, and along with the calendar change comes the resolutions!

Did you make any this year?  I don't usually because it tends to set me up for failure, but this year, after my blood pressure medication was raised, I decided it was time to lose a few pounds and get healthier.

But Just How Can I Lose Weight without Deprivation, Calorie Counting and Misery?

I talked to a dietitian, that was at a local pharmacy handing out information on health issues, and I asked her what was the best way for someone like me to lose weight with no will power?

Her answer "Start with Portion Control" and add an extra walk to my day.

Portion Control??

She said simply measuring out your portions instead of cutting out entire food groups was much easier.  This way you shaved off some calories but still enjoyed your food from all food groups.

She stated the benefits were huge, and you were more likely to stick to it when it was already measured out on the plate.

Benefits of Portion Control

1.  No deprivation of favourite foods

2.  No cutting out entire food groups

3.  No Calorie Counting

I had visions of measuring cups, scales, teaspoons etc!

She frowned and said, why not try portion control diet plates or containers?

Brilliant Idea!

I found this plate on Amazon.  It has a guide right on it.  Fill half your plate with veggies and 1/4 of protein and 1/4 starch.  It is sized in such a way that you can't overfill.

It is a good way to get started.  Actually this is when I realized that my portions had grown, so this brings me back to a normal sized helping.

You could also take a few days and measure out your food and use one of your own plates.  But I just thought this was a worthwhile investment for 10 bucks.

Another option is containers.  These are pre-measured and ready to go for your packed lunches, or simply your entire day of food.  I also found these on Amazon below:

I just know I have to do something, and using aids of some kind, will give me the kick I need to get my weight down.

As it turns out, I ate good healthy foods, just too much of them.

No Calorie Counting!

This is the best method for me.  I am not the best at calories counting, writing my food down, or measuring.  The above ideas, take the guess work out of the size of my portions.

I have also added an extra walk to my day, and make a point of using stairs always.

May this be the best year ever for changing your bad habits!

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