A Tent Sandbox ticks off all the Boxes
It is such a simple and totally awesome idea. You can make this as small or as large as you want.
I have included a video below, where the parent is building a larger one, but I figure you could also use those baby tents or whatever size you want.
Sandbox Ideas
This tent can be closed up after the kids are finished playing, to keep off the rain and to keep out cats. It will also keep the sand clean for a long time. No guarantees on them pitching it out of the tent but at least they won't get a sunburn either!
If a tent is not something you could do in your yard, you can still create awesome little portable sandboxes for the kids to play in with their toys. Here are some more ideas:
Portable Sandbox - Low profile plastic container with lid
Cardboard Box - Great for visiting Grandma
If you just want something for the kids to do at Grandma's and you have a bag of sand around, take it and a cardboard box and you will be amazed at how long this will keep them busy at little cost.
Sandboxes Online
If you prefer something that is not so DIY, and you love the idea of the kids playing in the sand with their toys, you can actually purchase ready to go ones such as these below.
It all depends whether or not you are a DIY person. You can get creative and use a tent like at the start of this post, which would be a quick and easy solution, or you can get more permanent solutions.
Special Play Sand
If you go the more portable or small container route, you can also get this special Play sand that actually molds into castles and all kinds of neat things for the kids without adding water or any great mess.
It is like bringing the beach home.
If you click on the above picture you will see that you can also get this sand in some really cool colors. These colors do not transfer to skin or clothes and only stick to themselves. It is by National Geographic.
You decide how many pounds you want of this sand and it will be delivered to you, and choose your color. It also comes with some little mold toys so they can get creative right away. A great change from electronic games!
At time of this writing this play sand had 1499 reviews!
I hope I have inspired you to get creative with a sandbox for your kids. Building a tent sandbox gets rid of the DIY part of cutting wood and creating a box, it is something that can be used right away.
But as you can see above, there are lots of different options available, whether you go completely DIY or purchase something ready to go, and don't forget this special sand, so that you don't have to add water for the kids to build castles.
ENJOY the summer!