Best Mouth Guard for Grinding Teeth - One That Actually Fits Your Mouth For the Least Amount of Money

I didn't realize I was clenching and grinding my teeth, until one morning I woke up with a horrible tooth ache.  It was a back molar and it was just pounding.

I managed to get into the dentist that morning, and he couldn't see anything wrong.  I was sure it would be staring him in the face for the aching and pain I was feeling.

He took an x-ray, and there it was,  a crushed molar.  Apparently the force you can put on your teeth during the night of grinding or clenching is massive.

After a costly repair, I was fitted for a night guard at a huge cost to my credit card!

I have no dental coverage so this was huge.  On top of that I need to replace it every couple of years at hundreds of dollars each time.  Until I came across this product.  You don't realize the strength of your jaw during a night of clenching and grinding, and the health of teeth is so important.  If you have ever had teeth pain, then you know what I mean, it becomes a front a center issue!

This is a much more affordable way to get a mouth guard that actually fits your mouth.

When you order it, you will receive an "impression kit" so that the professional dental lab can create a mouth guard just for you.

Customized Mouth Guards Work the Best 

I have used many mouth guards over the years, and ones that are designed to fit your specific mouth shape work the best.  I have been away and forgotten mine and had to use the drug store versions, which are better than nothing, but are not comfortable.  Having one that fits your mouth is the best investment.

FDA approved and latex free...  At this writing there were over 1160 perfect reviews of this product.  The cost of this product is an eighth  of what I paid at my Dentist.  I love my dentist, but I just can't afford his fees for this product right now.

Do You Wake Up with Teeth or Jaw Pain? 

You may be grinding or clenching your teeth.  It can be caused by stress, but in my case, it was just something my body likes to do at night.

I am not stressed, but I didn't realize just how tight my jaw was feeling until I started using a night time guard for my teeth, and my jaw felt so relaxed by morning.

If you don't want to be faced with expensive dental work, then consider a mouth guard that is fitted to your specific mouth shape.

It needs to fit your teeth like a glove to be comfortable.

Using this online service is one way to get the best product for the least amount of money.  We work hard for our money!

Obviously if you are in a lot of Pain, See your Dentist

But if you have been told you grind your teeth or clench like I do, then investing in this night time mouth guard that actually fits your teeth and mouth like a well fitted glove in my opinion is the best way to go.

When it fits just right, you don't notice it in the night the same way you do when you get those drug store generic versions!  If you forget your guard and are away they are better than nothing, but not the same.  So, invest in your teeth and get a well fitted FDA approved mouth guard online and save some money and protect those pearly whites!

I can't Stop Myself from Grinding and Clenching, but at least I can cut out the damage it was causing.  One crushed molar was enough for me.  Life comes to a grinding halt (excuse the pun!) when your teeth hurt!

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